Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thanks Barrack, Thanks Dems, Oil set to Reach $100 a Barrel

For decades, the democrats have blocked one effort after another to responsibly to develop the energy sources our country posesses, transforming vast areas of opportunity into "The No Zone"

The Ever Expanding State and What We Can Do to Stop It

Today's federal regulatory state is expanding it's own scope with breathtaking speed, threatening entire sectors of the American economy with stifling burdens...

A Child's First Book of Government Regulations

When I first saw it I thought it was a joke!

The Second Amendment Under Attack in 2011

Expect gun control ideas to reproduce and multiply in 2011

Panel says women should be allowed in combat units

First, the DADT repeal, and now this. The "fox hole" will never be the same!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The branding is simple...No more blank checks

Lets make the democrats play the newest game in town "debt ceiling cap and trade"

Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom:

History of Socialism from Marx to Obama. A superb lecture from Yuri N. Maltsev

Feds threaten to sue states over union laws

WASHINGTON – The National Labor Relations Board on Friday threatened to sue Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah over constitutional amendments guaranteeing workers the right to a secret ballot in union elections.

The Decline of the Unions, Part One:

President Jimmy Carter, Union-Buster Extraordinaire

Family Charged Death Tax for Baby thatLived One hour

On display, government's version of grief counselling through taxation

Thursday, January 13, 2011


No-fail Sarah eats the liberal's lunches, yet again!

Sanders Fundraises Off Arizona Murders

One of the less subtle campaigning methods....

Loghner In His Own Words

The truth about Rep. Giffords Shooter

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Health vs Insurance

A summary of Rep. Giffords' tramatic experience and why she is alive today

"Together We Thrive" tea shirts

On thissolemn occasion we remember those who were lost and pray for those who were wounded, while wearing 100% cotton souvenir collectable tea shirts

Rush Limbaugh - Az. Shooter has Full Support of Democrat Party

Jared Loughner... the latest victim in a terrible country!

U.S Chamber of Commerce Calls for repeal of Obamacare

uh oh.... looks like someones gonna be getting a naked shower visit from an obama staffer!

Gaza 2011 _ Your Next Vacation Destination

Gaza has everything you need for your next vacation....

Az. Passes "Funeral Protection Zone" Law

As much as I dispise the bastards of the WBC cult, this type of law could hinder our freedom of speech

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Message From Judson Phillips - Tea Party Nation

A summary of the battle for our freedom of speech

Love Letter From the Left

Target Republican Treachery, Treason and Betrayal

A Farewell to Arms

Military reduction when we need it most

Monday, January 10, 2011

Is Daily Kos Involved In Az Murders?

My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi and is now dead to me

Gateway Pundit Asks: Did Obama Cause it?

a list of wonderful statements to counter leftist accusations and blame

MSM Vulture (Catharsis Aura)

"Never let a good tragedy go to waste"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Media & the Shooter

"The Tea Party won in November. Winners don't go on shooting sprees."

Watch The Other Hand

Chaos being pushed by the left and the right

Assissin's Politics Lean Left Wing, Quite Liberal

'Communist Manisfesto' and Hitler's 'Mind  Kamfe' listed as alleged gunman's favorite reads.