Saturday, September 21, 2013

Transparency: Army Vet Fighting In Syria Gets Secret Plea Deal


McLEAN, Va. (AP) — An Army veteran accused of fighting alongside an al-Qaida-affiliated group of Syrian rebels has been released from jail following a secret plea deal.

Six Principles Of Propaganda Lenin Used To Consolidate Power


Having attained power in late 1917 on a raft of promises — land to Russia's peasants, bread to Russia's starving cities and peace to Russia's World War I-weary soldiers — V.I. Lenin was able to dispense with every one of them by advancing civil war from 1918 to 1921 to justify his acts by crisis.

In place of promises of liberty and rights, Lenin gave Russians propaganda, empowering the Bolsheviks to govern through knoutish messages, if not the barrel of the gun. In so doing, he sought to undermine Russia's weak democracy and to transform society fundamentally.

"The Russian Revolution was permeated with propaganda of a forceful and brutal kind," wrote historian Dmitri Volkogonov in his 1995 "Lenin: Life and Legacy," based on materials briefly available from the Soviet archives.

The propaganda was used not so much to win people over with ideas but by bludgeoning them with coercion, repression and making examples. "The type of propaganda that the Bolsheviks carried out is absolutely central to our understanding of the regime they created," wrote Peter Kenez in "The Birth of the Propaganda State: Soviet Methods of Mass Mobilization, 1917-1929."

A number of patterns emerged:

1. Ends Justify The Means


Fast and Furious is Back


Pentagon Gives Leftist Groups Prime Spots at GTMO Trials

If you’ve been reading my Weekly Updates for a while, you know that Judicial Watch has been extremely active monitoring terrorist military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay. In fact, JW staff has been on the ground at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO), on no less than 12 occasions to monitor key proceedings there, including the 2008 arraignment of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), the 2011 arraignment of USS Cole bomber Bad al-Rahim al-Nassir and a number of KSM motion hearings in 2012 and 2013.  In fact, one of our attorneys, Ramona Cotca, has been there all this week.
Unfortunately, our regular participation may be about to change.

Yes, people were dying in a gunfight across town, but Obama had a speech to give


                 Carolyn Kaster / AP (Obama attacks Republicans while police hunt for Navy Yard shooter.)

Barack Obama has never been accused of possessing the most refined sense of appropriate, especially when it comes to what normal people regard as tragedies.

Fifty-three weeks ago when four Americans were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi, Obama appeared after a good night's sleep, bemoaned the loss, vowed to deliver justice to the killers (still unfulfilled), then flew off for fundraising parties in Las Vegas. Hey, they're still dead anyway, and there was big campaign money waiting.

When a 133-foot-tall wall of tsunami water rolled 10 miles inland to kill 16,000 in Japan two years ago, Obama expressed his sorrow, then went golfing. When bad weather canceled his trip to the funeral of Poland's president, Obama paid his respects by golfing.

As the Gulf coast economy struggled back from the nation's worst environmental disaster ever, Obama urged all Americans to vacation there. Then, he took his family to the New England coast.

Or our personal fave, his 2012 Virginia campaign speech when the audience began fainting from the heat. So, instead of cutting it short, Obama offered advice on hydration and how to stand properly while he finished reading his prepared text.

So, it should not be surprising that as heavily-armed SWAT teams combed the Washington Navy Yard Monday for at least one deranged killer, Obama took the occasion to proceed with one of his harshest partisan speeches in months.

Aides maintain it never crossed Obama's mind to cancel the political speech as a gesture to the violent deaths of a dozen federal employees across town and their about-to-be-grieving families and co-workers. It's not like coming weeks of budget and debt limit arguments will lack for Obama opportunities to utter the same repetitive talking points with his fading rhetorical skills.

Although it did occur to someone in his White House to cancel Monday evening's Latin music festivities.

Last week too Obama acted strangely. When John Kerry's chemical weapons gaffe created an opening for a savvy Russian power move to bolster its Syrian pal Assad, developments rendered pointless Obama's scheduled war address to the nation. What did he do? He went ahead anyway and looked silly announcing he wasn't going ahead with what he had called everybody together to hear.

Allegedly the Tuesday afternoon event was to mark the fifth anniversary of the nation's financial crisis, not something normally celebrated. Do you remember fondly those glory days when the nation's entire financial system teetered on the brink and it was all Bush's fault?

Although, come to think of it, gas prices and the unemployment rate were a whole lot better back then than after nearly five years of Obama fixes.

Those poor people props standing behind Obama throughout his 3,800 words, including familiar bogus claims such as "Our deficits are going down faster than any time since before I was born." It's always about him, isn't it?

Here's another way to put that: During my first four years in office I created the nation's first four trillion-dollar annual deficits, ballooning the national debt to nearly $17 trillion, and now those annual deficits aren't quite that big anymore.

But we still need to hike the debt limit this fall and no GOP funny business about matching spending cuts.

Obama's still complaining about the sequester cuts that originated with his staff. His political posturing was that Republicans need to stop political posturing.

And while Obama negotiates with Russia and, ultimately, Syria's dictator over poison gas, he said he would never negotiate with the GOP over raising the domestic debt limit.

At one point the country's chief executive, who professes a desire to work with Republicans, actually said of them, "There are a number of folks out there who I think are decent folks." Others who disagree with Obama are -- what? -- indecent? Racist?

Clearly, this president, who -- remember? -- was going to bring us all together, wants fights over the budget and debt limit because he thinks such staged conflicts could help his party in next year's midterm elections. Not very presidential, looking out for the country first. But, hey, he's from Chicago.

The good news about Obama's tasteless talking during the deadly Navy Yard confrontation is that basically no one saw or heard it, save for hardy souls on C-SPAN. (Scroll down for its full video of Obama's remarks.)

The TV networks cut away to the police news conference at the scene of so many fatalities. And the buzz across the country was not about a sad Democrat's fabricated fable over millions of new jobs. Don't worry. That won't stop him. He'll be back for more.

source: ibd

Psychedelic and uninformative Obamacare Ad features a Flying Carrot and no Health Care information at a cost of $3.2 Million to Taxpayers


New Obamacare ads targeting Oregon residents never mention health care reform or the system's new health care exchanges opening Oct. 1, and instead feature psychedelic Images of people flying through the air singing, “Long live Oregonians, we’re free to be healthy.” 
The so-called “Free” ads cost $3.2 million. 

L.A.'s Department of Water and Power Funneled $40 Million to Union-Controlled Non-Profit Groups


Totally corrupt, but that's what you get these days with morally-bankrupt big-city Democrat machine politics.

At LAT, "DWP says it can't track millions in ratepayer money":
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has directed an estimated $40 million in ratepayer money to two nonprofit groups charged with improving relations with the utility's largest employee union, but the agency claims to have scant information on how the public funds have been spent.

AWESOME: Do community service or lose welfare in Michigan


Both the state House and Senate took aim Wednesday at struggling Michigan residents, passing bills that would deny unemployment benefits to people who refuse to take a drug test required by employers and require community service for people receiving government assistance. 
The drug testing bill, which passed the House Commerce Committee on a 12-4 vote with three Democrats passing on the issue, would deny unemployment benefits for people who either refused to take a drug test that a company made a condition of employment or tested positive.


EPA chief to power generation industry: Your new coal plants will have to prevent non-existent CO2-induced bad weather by using extremely expensive CO2 capture technology that doesn't work


The biggest carbon-capture project to date was at the American Electric Power’s Mountaineer plant in New Haven, W.Va. But Nicholas K. Akins, the company’s chairman and chief executive, said that technology was “definitely not ready for prime time.”

Mountaineer was a pilot project. Equipping the whole plant would have cost $1 billion, he said, and driven up costs per kilowatt-hour by 60 to 80 percent.



Intimidating their dhimmis, it’s how Islam has always treated the non-Muslim in their midst.

The Muslim Brotherhood visits the houses of the Copts and force them to exonerate the group for recent violence. Those who do not sign will be killed after the army leaves. Since 18 September last the city which has been a refuge for thousands of extremists, is under military curfew.


Another typical collectivist calling for the death of children of those who disagree with the party line.


"Remember the only difference between a socialist and a communist is that a socialist is a communist who has not yet found his AK-47 nor worked up the guts to use it, whereas a communist is a socialist who has found his Kalashnikov and is more than willing to use it on his political enemies." -- Mike Vanderboegh (just a little lesson I taught my kids when they were growing up.)
Democratic Official Allan Brauer Wishes Death on Ted Cruz Aide’s Children

Friday, September 20, 2013

Turkey: Pianist Sentenced To Ten Months In Prison For “Insulting Islam” On Twitter


An İstanbul court on Friday sentenced Turkish pianist Fazıl Say to 10 months in prison on charges of insulting Islamic religious values in comments he made on Twitter, after a re-trial ordered by an upper court. 

Names of Democrats on House Oversight Committee who walked out on Benghazi victim family members


The slimy Democrats on the House Oversight Committee shamelessly walked out during testimony of Benghazi victim family members Patricia Smith is the mother of Sean Smith and Charles Woods is the father of Ty Woods. Here are the names of the disgusting Democrats who make up the House Oversight Committee and who should be ashamed of themselves:

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)
Rep. John Tierney (MA-6)
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-1)
Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA-9)
Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (VA-11)
Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-17)
Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-2)
Rep. Tammy Duckworth (IL-8)
Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7)
Rep. Peter Welch (VT)
Rep. Tony Cardenas (CA-29)
Rep. Steve Horsford (NV-4)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-1)


Gun-Free Chicagoland: 13 people, including 3-year-old boy, shot at South Side park


Thirteen people, including a 3-year-old boy who suffered a gunshot wound to the head, were shot at a Chicago park in the Back of the Yards neighborhood Thursday night, authorities said.


US ranks 17 in measure of economic freedom


The United States has dropped 15 slots since 2000 in an annual ranking of economic freedom, from second place to 17th place.


Our Moment Has Arrived: All Hands On Deck to Slay Obamacare


A riveting day has dawned. House Speaker John Boehner, long criticized for inconsistent conservative passion, is actually allowing members to vote on a budget bill that ties continued government operations to a defunding of Obamacare.
This would be the strategy Ted Cruz and his allies have been offering for weeks, earning them harsh criticism from Democrats and timid Republicans alike.

Establishment Republican Jeb Bush says GOP should know its limits in Obamacare fight


WASHINGTON — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush cautioned House Republicans on Wednesday to be aware of their limits in the latest fight over funding the government and defunding Obamacare.


Today's Laugher: History professors give Obama B- because he’s just not liberal enough


George Mason University’s History News Network (HNN) recently asked a few hundred American historians to give President Barack Obama letter grades in 15 different categories.




Although Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) called for a revival of the gun control debate following the Navy Yard shooting, her recently-defeated legislation would not have banned the gun Aaron Alexis used to kill 12 people.

Obvious, Agenda-Driven Obama: ‘Ritual’ Could Emerge Where Nation Suffers Mass Shooting Every Few Months



Obama said Tuesday he was concerned that an American “ritual” could emerge where every few months, the nation suffers a horrific mass shooting, then fails to take action to stop the next one from occurring. He said he would continue speaking out about the need for new gun laws, but that ultimately, it’s up to lawmakers...


Racist Still Racin': Black freedom and the gun control debate


As almost every other issue in the U.S., the racial dimensions of gun control cannot be dismissed.

Read More

Grid Down: First it was Venuzuela, Now Acapulco:


Though the government would like us to believe there is rarely looting or panic in the aftermath of a disaster, the fact of the matter is that within 72 hours of any serious crisis people will lose it.

Case in point: Acapulco, Mexico.


Enviro-wackos selling out their own Principles for $$$


Bird charity to install wind turbine, despite millions of bird deaths

Grassroots efforts to recall San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro underway


WASHINGTON, September 19, 2013 — Following the successful recall of two senators in Colorado, another liberal elected official with an entrenched political family seems to be the next target after offending some Christian and conservative groups.


Irony: French translator held for 'provoking terrorism' while their own leader backs American dictator who is supplying weapons to al Qaeda


France has arrested the webmaster of a jihadist site on charges of "provoking" terrorism, prosecutors said on Thursday just as the government warned hundreds of homegrown Islamist militants were signing up for Syria.

Left Wing Wacko Hypocracyon Display: Greenpeace has condemned the boarding as 'outrageous' even though they broke the law beforehand


The armed assault by the Russian coastguard on the Greenpeace vessel Arctic Sunrise came after activists attempted to board an oil platform to prevent it drilling in the Arctic

Read The Full Story

Related Link: "Гринпис": Экипаж Arctic Sunrise стоит на коленях под дулами автоматов

Junk Science Update: Don't Look Now but:... Earth's days are numbered


Researchers calculate that the planet will leave the Sun's 'habitable zone' in about 1.75 billion years.


Guaranteed: The Scariest Thing You Will Read All Week


So I saw this Drudge headline and figured he must have taken Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom out of context, because there’s just no way Wiggleroom thinks we’re that stupid, or is that stupid himself. But out of fairness to Drudge, I clicked on the link to see what the Professor had actually said, and here are his actual words:



LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan says her hunting outings with fellow Justice Antonin Scalia began with an offhand promise during her Senate confirmation.


Obama arms export law workaround recalls unlawful arming of cartels


The simple, basic question investigators have (intentionally?) left unasked is: Were arms export laws waived or ignored in Operation Fast and Furious?

Yes or no? [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what no one else in the media will, meaning most will never see these questions, let alone consider them or demand their representatives ask them, unless you share them

Planned Parenthood and Pedophiles share a twisted love for kids

Abortionists Can Be a Child Molester's Best Friend

An abortionist in Fort Wayne, Indiana failed to report a 13-year-old's abortion within three days, breaking state law.

In Indiana, sex with a girl under 14 years of age is considered child molestation no matter how old the boy/man is. So by failing to report the abortion to the state in a timely manner, this isn't just a case where the abortionist forgot to file the TPS reports on time. What happened here is that the abortionist failed to report a crime which he is legally obligated to do.

Dr. Ulrich Klopfer reportedly performed the abortion on the 13 year old on Feb. 7 at the Fort Wayne Women's Health Organization but didn't report it to the Indiana Department of Health until July 25, according to the complaint filed by local pro-lifers.

So a child was in danger and the abortionist sat on the information for five months. Nice guy, huh?

According to the stories I read and saw on this, calls to the clinic from reporters are being hung up on. One reporter went to the clinic but as she approached the door they locked it and turned and put up the "Closed" sign.

This is important because we've seen this before with Live Action's videos where abortion clinics simply refuse to follow the law. Who knows how often they're covering up crimes? These are the people who say they care so much about girls and women. But when a young girl was in danger, they did nothing for five months.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I ask you America, where is your red line? The enemies within have taken control and will take us into war to finish us off. Not for the right reasons, but because they know we are at our weakest. Are we really so dense and blind we can’t see this happening in front of our own eyes?


50 Shades of Treason

U.S. Constitution – Article 3 Section 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Since 9-11 and before, al Qaeda has been the sworn and declared enemy of the United States. Obama has waived the ban on arming terrorists and is openly arming the Syrian Rebels who are composed of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. He is justifying the Benghazi atrocity and those deaths by doing this. He is seeking cover for arming radicals out of Libya. Barack Obama is actively giving aid and comfort to our enemies and is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. In other words, treason.
From Glenn Beck who also levels the charge of treason at our Marxist-in-Chief:
“So why is it we’re going to war, Mr. President? Why is it you are giving comfort and aid to Al Qaeda? Because [Assad] is not a threat, and it’s a lose-lose situation. What possible good can come out of starting World War III?”
“He’s taking guns away from the people while giving guns to Al-Qaeda. What else do you need for impeachment?” he added.
I contend that Obama has been guilty of subversion and treason from the beginning. He is actively infiltrating our government with the Muslim Brotherhood and furthering the Caliphate in the Middle East. He has sided with the Brotherhood at every available opportunity: in Egypt, Libya and now in Syria. He has special televised messages for them, invites them into the White House and promotes them to ever higher seats of power:


Report: Cory Booker Violated Law He Signed


Newark Mayor Cory Booker has repeatedly spoken out against abandoned properties in his city and even signed a law that all owners of such properties must register with the city. But, according to a new report Booker violated that same law with regard to a property he owned.

An excerpt from the report in the National Review:

"During his tenure as mayor of Newark, Booker has spoken out against the neglected properties that litter the city, and in August 2011, he signed into law an ordinance requiring landowners to register vacant properties with the city’s Office of Rent Control. The mayor himself, however, failed to register the Court Street house [that he owned], according to Maria Hernandez in Newark’s rent-control office. The ordinance required those who owned vacant property at the time of the law’s passage to register it by August 31, 2011, with the penalty for noncompliance being a fine between $500 and $1,000. 'Every day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense,' the ordinance reads."


Any Vegas Odds on the Outcome? Joe Biden's Niece Held After 'Scuffle' With Cops


Police responding to a dispute between Caroline Biden and her roommate take the vice president's niece into custody.

The niece of Vice President Joe Biden has been arrested after she scuffled with police officers at her New York City apartment.
Police said they took Caroline Biden into custody after responding to a report of a dispute at her Tribeca home in lower Manhattan.
The 26-year-old scuffled with officers as they tried to break up a fight between her and her roommate, police said.
It was not immediately clear what sparked the dispute.
The New York Post, citing unidentified law enforcement sources, reported the argument was over rent.
Charges are pending.
The Vice President's office declined to comment.
source: Sky