Sunday, February 6, 2011

"What does it mean to be a Marxist?"

I suppose it should be obvious that I am not a Marxist, but I would commend to you Prof. Norm Geras' test, "What does it mean to be a Marxist?" Prof. Geras, of the UK's University of Manchester, is an "oldline" Marxist, not one of the radical chic - which he roundly criticizes in this posting.

I've been reading Norm's work since I began blogging in 2002 and I was honored to be the subject of his 67th "Normblog Profile" in 2004.

Norm offers three perspectives to answer the question: the personal, the intellectual and the socio-political. This is very much a worthwhile read regardless of your affinity, or not, with Marxism conceptually.

I sent Norm an email, thus:
[H]ere is one question and one observation:   (Read more)

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