Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rule of law or anarchy?

As important as the debate over the proper role of collective bargaining in the public sector is for our nation, far more important issues are at stake in Wisconsin.

Will anarchy and chaos prevail, or will the rule of law ultimately be respected? The answer to that question very well could decide whether this nation stands or slips closer to the abyss of tyranny.

For every wrong, there is a remedy — or so they tell us in law school. If you are robbed in a civilized society, the culprit is arrested, prosecuted and may even be forced in civil court to pay you back. Alternatively, you could forget the rule of law, dust off your caveman club, conk your suspect on the head (hoping your hunch was right) and drag your stolen property back to your den.

I wonder how our youth are taught to handle a Congress that holds its people in contempt by passing legislation against the will of the majority without having read its terms? How are they taught to react when the bill's sponsor says we must await its implementation to find out "what's in it"? Do teachers of civics provide their students with any recourse when the deciding votes on a bill are purchased with hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars and kickbacks?

Here is one method. "Class, when representative democracy isn't producing the results you want, you have to make government conform to your rules. Here are some tactics you should use: Fail to show up for work so you can attend a rally in protest. Make sure to obtain an excuse from a fraudulent doctor so you won't miss any pay. (By the way, I believe there is a proper role for civil disobedience in a free society, but if there is no price to pay, the message is lost on me). Some of you should enter the chamber of the people's statehouse and scare those representatives present with the fear of intimidation, such as screaming 'shame' at the top of your lungs like crazed maniacs.

"The hope is to disrupt the process being carried out on behalf of all of the voters opposing your views. Make sure some of your friends carry signs bearing the names of Hitler and Mubarak. That adds a touch of sensationalism and will get the camera's eye. It would help if some national figures on your side would publicly encourage members of your cause to 'go into the streets and get a little bloody.' Intimidation, that's the key. And, finally, ask the elected representatives who favor your position to get out of Dodge. This will shut down representative democracy for your fellow citizens who oppose you. This method is known as anarchy."

Here is an alternative. "Class, when representative democracy isn't going your way, roll up your sleeves and participate in government instead of sitting on the sidelines. Here are some tactics: Form groups of like-minded citizens, establish a platform and make your voices known to candidates in the next election. Participate in public debate and, if your position wins over the hearts and minds of a majority of your fellow voters, the newly elected representatives will be sent to the legislative halls to remedy the wrongs you had to painfully watch unfold before you after the last election. You also can challenge the constitutionality of legislation in a court of law where evidence is taken, precedent is argued and justice hopefully prevails. This method is known as the rule of law."

The latter method was the chosen route of the Tea Party folks the left labeled as an "eccentric angry mob." Ponder.

It would appear that the progressives in Wisconsin don't have the will and determination to follow the rule of law and win over their elected leaders through hard work and persuasion at the ballot box. Tea Partiers and conservatives don't take too kindly to watching bullies and cowards attempt to 'steal back" the version of America they worked so hard to "take back" via the high road.

A hurting nation looks to you, Wisconsin. Regardless of the outcome of the collective bargaining issue, what legacy will you leave us? The rule of law or anarchy?

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