21 Myths of the U.S. Constitution
Today in Chino I spoke at a Tea Party meeting, and discussed a few myths about the U.S. Constitution. Inspired by that opportunity, I have decided to begin a series of articles that will explore twenty-one common myths of the U.S. Constitution.
Myth #1: America has three co-equal branches of government.
Myth #2: Federal law supersedes state law. No state can make any law contrary to any federal law.
Myth #3: Roe v. Wade made abortion legal.
Myth #4: The Supreme Court interprets the Constitution, and can decide if a law is constitutional or not.
Myth #5: A Con-Con (Article V. Convention) would allow the Constitution to be re-written.
Myth #6: The Commerce Clause allows the federal government to regulate all commerce between the states however it seems fit.
Myth #7: The General Welfare Clause enables the federal government to take any action it deems necessary for the General Welfare (like entitlement programs).
Myth #8: The Constitution guarantees the separation of church and state.
Myth #9: The Constitution gives you your rights.
Myth #10: The United States is a Democracy.
Myth #11: The United States "is," rather than "are."
Myth #12: The Bill of Rights apply to the States.
Myth #13: Anchor Babies are American Citizens.
Myth #14: The courts are the check against Congress.
Myth #15: The Founding Fathers were deists.
Myth #16: The role of government is to ensure equality through social justice.
Myth #17: The Necessary and Proper Clause allows the federal government to pass any law it deems necessary and proper.
Myth #18: The Constitution ensures no taxation without representation.
Myth #19: Being born in the United States satisfies the definition of Natural Born Citizen.
Myth #20: Constitution is an outdated document, or a living document.
Myth #21: Executive Orders can modify law....
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