Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama confirms: Income tax is slave tax

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels point to the implementation of an income tax system like our present one as a crucial step toward achieving the abolition of private property, which they call the epitome of communism. Now Obama uses a concept of taxation that openly asserts the government's ownership of the income of all the people. So what was hidden from too many is now visible to all. This suggests that we are near to the time when the mask of respect for liberty and representative government will be discarded altogether. Or rather, we are arrived at a time when this is already taking place. Theatrical blather about phony cuts in government spending does nothing to address this threat. In fact, it purposefully distracts from it. The only leaders who are really taking seriously what America needs to do are those who stand firm against raising the debt ceiling and those who advocate in word and deed the principal step we must take to thwart the implementation of the communist economic agenda in America: Abolish the Income Tax. What is the alternative? (continued)

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