Here's a name that ought to be coming up more often when we think about pro-Israel Republican candidates for 2012: Tim Pawlenty.
Gov. Pawlenty made a comment not too long ago that if people thought he was pro-Israel, they should meet his wife, Mary. I read his book and found several examples that show his own personal support for the America-Israel relationship. But I was curious to delve a bit further into the issue, especially because of his reference to his wife. Pawlenty has been early among possible GOP contenders in expressing strong criticism of Barack Obama's approach towards Israel. There are reasons this may be so that do not involve politicking.
Mary Pawlenty is an evangelical Christian and her husband joined her church in the mid-1980s when they married. The evangelical Christian community are strong supporters of the America-Israel relationship for a wide variety of reasons (having nothing to do with end-time scenarios).
But the church they attend, Wooddale Church, is not your just-down the road church. Wooddale is an influential evangelical mega church. The Pawlentys were married by Leith Anderson, a senior pastor at the church since 1977. However, Anderson is far more than a senior pastor. He is also the long-time president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), an organization that represents more than 30 million American evangelicals. (Read the whole thing.)
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