April 17, 2011 – 12:04 am EST | 6 Comments
By: Andrea Shea King – The Radio Patriot
Sarah Palin knocks it out of the park in Madison, Wisconsin at today’s Tax Day Tea party. As John Nolte writes at Big Government: Sarah Palin Steps Into Wisconsin, Points to Left Field, and Hits a Grand Slam
If Sarah Palin’s not running for president, what a terrible waste that would be of the single best stump speech I’ve heard since, well, Palin’s ’08 convention speech, which just happened to be the single most electrifying political moment of my adult life. A thrill didn’t just run up my leg that night, it ran up everything in me that’s American, and today in Madison, WI, it happened again. Surrounded by an obnoxiously hostile, astro-turfed, pro-union crowd that tried and failed to drown out her message with obnoxiously hostile astro-turfed noise, the former Alaskan Governor took the fight directly to the growing pile of Obama’s failures in the most effective way we’ve heard yet from a potential GOP challenger.
If you want to know why Obama’s Palace Guards in the MSM are determined to destroy this woman and all of popular culture has risen up to help, press PLAY. If you want to know why the GOP Establishment had better start looking over their collective shoulders, press PLAY. VIDEO: Sarah Palin to Obama - You Ignored Us In 2010, But You Cannot Ignore Us In 2012!
You see what else she did there? Exactly what she did as a reform-minded governor in Alaska. She called the GOP Establishment out for everything they’re doing wrong, appealed to reasonable rank-and-file union members disgusted by their leadership, and reaffirmed her own proud union credentials. Better yet, she also launched the kind of tight, sharp, and articulate attack on President Obama’s failed presidency that likely has the White House — and their media allies — loosening their ties, clearing their throats, and looking for any word she might have mispronounced as an excuse to drown out her appealing message with the furtherance of a cruel “stupid” narrative they’ve been failing at for two-plus years.
I’ll ask again: How can someone so “dumb” be so right about everything?
Read the rest of Nolte’s observations about how the media will try to spin this. As James Pethokoukis writing with a headline that reads: “Sarah Palin in Madison, Veni Vidi Vici ” at Reuters puts it:
So MSM, keep obsessing over the shiny new Trump toy if you must. But better keep an eye on a certain sharpshooting, grizzly mama. She’s back!! ! ! !
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