Friday, May 27, 2011

Judge Says Pastor Can Say "Jesus Christ" at a Memorial Day Ceremony

Good God Almighty. Reverend Scott Rainey will be allowed to say "Jesus Christ" at the Houston National Cemetery invocation on Memorial Day. Judge Lynn N. Hughes has given the pastor the green light to utter those offensive words in a prayer, but the okay didn't come easily.

Arleen Ocasio, the director of the cemetery, asked to review the prayer before the event. Ocasio e-mailed the Reverend four hours later and wrote that, although it was "well written," it should commemorate "veterans from all cultures and religious beliefs." Rainey called Ocasio and was told if he didn't change the prayer, he would not be allowed to deliver the remarks.

The office of Veteran Affairs was his next step, but that department offered a similar answer saying the cemetery's policy was "viewpoint neutral" and "appropriate," reports Fox News. Memorial Day Ceremonies were looking pretty grim for the Reverend.

Enter the good judge who seems to have a lick of sense when it comes to homogenizing America's prayer policies. She said censorship and religious discrimination violate the First Amendment. Imagine that!

Take a walk down any street and count the times you hear the words "Jesus Christ" and even "God damn." It seems to be acceptable to use those words for any other occasion. And now they can legally be a Memorial Day prayer!

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