Sunday, May 8, 2011

MSM refuses to report that GM's profits were built on the backs of taxpayers

Government Motors, Dems, Obama celebrate first quarter profits made up entirely of backdoor taxpayer bailout that the press still refuses to report
The celebrations continue. Little are most people aware that even the celebration is taxpayer funded, and the lazy MSM is still not reporting that the celebration is over something that looks good on the surface but in reality is another government bailout that never seems to end: The headline over at The Detroit News: Dems, Obama campaign hail GM, Chrysler profits
The Michigan Democratic Party and President Barack Obama's reelection campaign each hailed the financial results of General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC Thursday.
You can read the rest of teh article but I'll summarize it for you in 3 words: "Obama is awesomeness." And from The Detroit Free Press: Tom Walsh: Detroit 3 recovery has staying power. Neither paper mentions that the supposed profits are made up entirely of taxpayer bailout money. How so? It's unfortunate that the online hit count for the freep and News is about 2 million each per month. My blog gets about 100k, but only those will be aware of information that I have blogged on many times. I'll summarize the backdoor bailout in two prior posts:

Bailout: GM only earned a 'profit' on paper because of $45 billion backdoor taxpayer bailout that the establishment MSM isn't reporting
Detroit News spews Obama propaganda: Feds to recoup $36 billion in bailout money, fail to mention GM receiving $45 billion tax furlough
That's right - GM is paying no taxes. Neither is Chrysler. That was a decision Obama made (the regime gave any 'private' company a tax exemption if they drank the kool-aid and took TARP money). Ford gets no such privileged treatment, taxes its taxes and still has to compete on the open market with both. For someone who gives lip service to "leveling the playing field" Obama tilted it severely to political points. And with the non-curious, lazt media at his back, he gets headlines like those at the Detroit News and Free Press and it's based on news that is misleading at best, and outright false at worse. Including the tax breaks, how much will the total loss be to US taxpayers? This much: Government to LOSE $85 Billion on Government Motors, Obama calls it a success... The original bailout was $80 billion. Put up $80 billion, end up losing $85 billion. Only in the world of the federal government is that called a success.

And to the local MSM: SHAME ON YOU!

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