Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Unseen

The Unseen

Each day in America, millions of unseen hands commit to tasks so varied it would take most of a lifetime just to find and catalog them all…and then once done, would be already fully out of date, as what we do as people changes, not just by the decade, but by the hour. Those changes are ones driven technology, social matters, even cultural norms or habits, and the changes in what we do are a dynamic response to this ever-constant change.

In my lifetime, I have observed the rise of TV, the rise of the Information Age, the rise of the Internet, and the rise of technological social structures. I look back at my lifetime and I am dumbfounded at the change. Had you told me at 12 years old what would exist in in a few decades, I would laughed. Same with most of us.

In “The Way Out” I described how there has been a concerted, organized, funded, and deliberate effort to change our culture. This is still ongoing, every day, every school, every tv show, every university, every news broadcast, every poster, every PSA, every movie, and the list goes on, with very few exceptions. This effort to fundamentally alter our basis of thinking and evaluating self governance has integrated itself into every facet of life.

And so, here’s another change that must happen. It’s time to learn what it is, what it looks like, so people know how to spot it. Then, it needs to be countered. Or replaced. And so, another change to “normal life” is being put upon us, and unless we’re willing to cede the United States to the dustbin of history and allow it to simply pass on into failure and irrelevance to the world, yet another change needs to occur.

We are not collectivists at heart. At least not normal Americans. The activists are, but we aren’t. We do not normally think in terms of coordinated, group centered action. And perhaps that’s a key component that will aid us in our efforts. Autonomous diligence to achieve goals by large groups could be described as “inevitable”. It can only be countered by the same, but larger, effort. And collectivists will not ever form such a thing, it is an anethema to them. Then again, neither will we, unless we are convinced en masse, and become motivated to act.

So, how do you start a widespread, autonomous cultural restoration? It will, of course, require leadership. This nation did not form without leadership. And that leadership left its stamp on history by forming the Constitution – which created a form of government designed to be forever immune to the machinations of a few, hoping to use the resources of the many, to change the nature of said created society. Without violation of the Constitution, the very tools the collectivists are using, which is vast amount of tax money, legislation, rules, stifling of debate and media, and more, this could never have occurred.

This use of force, taxation, and ultimately, bribery, to change the nature of a culture en masse, could not have been done without the power of government employed to make it happen. And, our federal government, at least, was specifically deprived of all the powers that have been used to accomplish the deed. It would be, and is in my mind, a coup over the founding fathers, to so pervert our society without a lot of violence and fear. Yet, they have made huge inroads.

Imagine with me, if you will, beginning in a year or two, that non-collectivists – somewhat poorly described as American conservatives – begin to do something they have never done before. They leave their positions in their conventional lives of productive and important things and begin moving into becoming teachers, media moguls, moviemakers, actors, musicians, newscasters. We as conservatives, instead investing our money purely by the numbers, set aside part of our investments to form some new movie studios, and we invest in startups for conservative television channels, and cable tv startups and we fund new private enterprise schools, which compete with public education and yet, teach the fundamentals that public schools are not, and true history and NOT the liberal brainwashing going on.

Do you see that happening? It’s ok to say yes or no, here, the point is to ask the question.. If not, why not? If so, how so? It not, however, in my opinion, acceptable to say “it cannot be done”. If Washington and his men could beat back the British and their Hessian mercenaries, it seems like the challenge to beat back some liberals who are so obsessed with immaterial and irrational things would be merely mundane.

We must fight the political fight… gather our votes and back men of principle to do the right things in office… but unless we win the war of changing our culture back, eventually, the voters will simply overwhelm both the Constitution (more than they have) and every good and decent thing and will continue down the road to absolute destruction – with our children’s futures fully entwined.

We must start with the political process now, but we must make an overwhelming commitment to get ourselves on the boards of public schools, to become overwhelmingly the majority of teachers, professors, and researchers. We must take the offices of government used to promotee this perversion of our nation and use them properly, instead improperly.

We must take jobs as social workers and teachers and aids and pundits and news anchors. And reporters and commentators and all the rest, so the truth is told, not the activist dogma now being spread.

Again I ask. How do you start a widespread, autonomous cultural restoration?

I call it “Crucial Debates” for a reason.

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