Update 6/15/2011: The DNCC and Janice Hahn demand, yes, DEMAND that the video come down! And that I apologize! Yes, apologize! My answer: No! I didn't kill anyone. I didn't even enable anyone to kill anyone. And... oh yeah: suck it! The ad's funny. It makes me laugh. So if, for some reason, it's pulled by youTube, a thousand will be launched in its place all over Algorez' Internetz. Because you're only drawing more attention to your past of supporting criminals, Janice, and forcing policemen out of their jobs for doing their duty. So there you go. Claim victimhood all you like, but how many people were killed by your coddling? There's a reason Mayor Villaraigosa took the program away from you. He's a Democrat. So are you. Think about it.
I come from the school of Peckinpah and Welles. Which means: I'm not afraid to come out swinging.
I give you, therefore, my latest viral. It's a rap-video attack ad, launched at Janice Hahn's prior behavior as an L.A. City Council member. She is now running for Congress in California's 36th District. She ran a city program that coddled gang members, paid them with taxpayer money, got them out of jail to rape and kill again. She even got policemen fired for daring to arrest her boyz. It was so bad the Mayor of L.A. took the program away from her. He's a Democrat. She's a Democrat. That's bad when your own party takes your goofy program out of your clutches.
We don't need any more gangsters in Washington, D.C.
What she did was completely outrageous.
So the video follows suit.
Video Here: Give us your cash B--ch!
It's having fun with a basic metaphor. You can guess what the metaphor is.
Before you charge racism at the ad, consider her one line in the video: "It takes a different kind of person to speak the language." By that she means, it takes black people to talk to black people. It takes gang members to talk to gang members. They have their own language, we should coddle them. They're not responsible for their actions if they murder someone, rape someone. They're a minority.
All of that's bunk. I'm from New Orleans. We have creole food, we have cajun food, we have french food, and we mix it all up. Anyone can talk to anyone.
And the main message to gang members in any city should be: want to kill someone? Want to rape someone? Meet Mr. Policeman. He will escort you to jail.
This Clockwork Orange crap about hiring criminals to persuade other criminals to stop their crime is beyond stupid.
Hahn is liberal Jane Harman (Newsweek, Daily Beast) approved, which means Hahn is also George Soros approved. Another reason to have fun at her expense, and let people know what an idiot she was and is.
I made the video for Turn Right USA, a brand new PAC designed to fund viral videos exposing stupid and corrupt politicians (on all sides the aisle, and under the seats, and in the broom closets, and in Congress' gym).
Most politicians and political action committees are too cowardly to come out swinging. So it's great for TRUSA to step up to the plate. Very rare! This is not your grandfather's viral video.
If you'd like to see me make more of these kinds of ads, donate now.
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