Saturday, June 25, 2011

DUmmie FUnnies: Perpetrator of Rove Indictment Hoax Lectures Clarence Thomas on Ethics

Perpetrator of Rove Indictment Hoax Lectures Clarence Thomas on Ethics

Who is the person LEAST QUALIFIED to lecture Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on the subject of ethics? It would have to be that DUmmie fraudster best known for perpetrating the Karl Rove indictment hoax "scoop," known as WILLIAM RIVERS PITT. However, Pitt conveniently forgets his ethically challenged past as a fraudster as well as his history of posting violent fantasies to claim that Thomas is lacking in ethics as you can see in the Fraudster's THREAD, "Clarence Thomas Must Go - my argument." Yeah, and before you start lecturing Justice Thomas, how about if you MAN UP and accept responsibility for the FRAUD you perpetrated about that May 12, 2006 "indictment?" The closest Pitt ever came was his whining and voluminous partial birth NON-APOLOGY chock full of self pity. Cowardly Pitt NEVER took responsibility for his fraud yet he now blasts the ethics of Justice Thomas. So let us now watch Mr. Fitzmas take his shots at Clarence Thomas in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if Pitt ever lectured his convicted co-author on the subject of ethics, is in the [brackets]:

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do. - Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

[Ethics is knowing that one should APOLOGIZE for perpetrating a journalistic HOAX.]

For the sake of full disclosure, I will tell you that I do not like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

[For the sake of full disclosure don't forget to tell us WHO perpetrated the Karl Rove indictment hoax.]

In my opinion, he has no business sitting on the high court after the reprehensible treatment he forced Anita Hill to endure, and has been a disgrace to the bench lo these last twenty years.

[This from the same angry DUmmie who threatened physical violence on a homeless woman known as Bobo the Hobo.]

Anthony Weiner, one of Clarence Thomas' most ardent critics, was just run out of Washington DC on a rail for behavior far less offensive; Mr. Thomas is lucky there was no such thing as Twitter when he was sexually harassing Hill, or he'd be chasing ambulances outside of muni court like the hack he is.

[Maybe Weiner can join you on the Bukowski's sidewalk chasing imaginary drunks.]

He sits up there like a lump, never speaking or offering questions to petitioners, and has not had an original thought since his shameful Senate approval.

[And YOU sat there like a lump staring at Jason Leopold's zipper while he fed you Karl Rove indictment BS which you unquestionably swallowed.]

But his vapid intellectual presence on the bench is only a small part of the story. Mr. Thomas has, by all appearances, turned his position on the court into a license to print money for himself, his family, and a few choice friends.

[Someone who was so gullible as to place his cojones into Jason Leopold's hands questions Thomas' intelligence?]

Conservative corruption is nothing new in Washington, but Mr. Thomas has taken the practice to bold new heights, and finally, people are beginning to sit up and take notice. Thomas has been playing fast and loose with judicial ethics for a long time now, and though Supreme Court Justices are not technically beholden to judicial rules of ethics, his behavior has become so egregious as to warrant deep attention, and in my opinion, removal from the high court.

[Thus spaketh the "ethical hero" of Fitzmas Past.]

Justice Thomas is in possession of a gorgeous bust of Abraham Lincoln, which was cast in 1914 by the noted sculptor Adolph Alexander Weinman. The bust was given as a gift to Thomas in 2001 by Christopher DeMuth, president of the notoriously right-wing American Enterprise Institute. The value of the bust was $15,000. In the intervening years, AEI has filed briefs on three separate occasions regarding cases before the high court, and on each occasion, Thomas has ruled in their favor, often going beyond the scope they were seeking.

[Pitt pitifully attempts to "bust" Clarence Thomas. Speaking of busts, how is your busted co-author doing? Are you going to visit him in jail, Will, to trade notes?]

Thomas has attended fundraisers sponsored by the Koch Brothers in support of far-right media outlets, think tanks and groups. His habit of openly supporting right-wing causes has earned him an enormous amount of financial largesse from heavy-hitting right-wing donors, most notoriously Mr. Harlan Crow, who helped finance the "swift-boating" of John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election. Crow financed a library project dedicated to Thomas, and gave Thomas' wife $500,000 to create a Tea Party group that has since been throwing its weight all around the country. Crow, it should be noted, is a trustee of AEI, which gave Thomas that bust of Lincoln.

[The only bust that could sway your humble correspondent would be the bust that belongs to Playboy Playmate Petra Verkaik.]

The list of his brazen improprieties runs long, but the real show centers around his wife, Ginni. Harlan Crow's massive donation allowed her to create Liberty Central (and later Liberty Consulting), an advocacy group dedicated to the overthrow of President Obama's health care reform legislation. The conflict of interest inherent in this - given that Mr. Obama's health care legislation will certainly appear in some form before the Supreme Court - is manifest. The high court's decision in Citizens United, which Thomas voted in favor of, has opened the financial floodgates for groups like Liberty Central, so Thomas' family appears to be reaping wonderful monetary gains from that decision. And there is the fact that Thomas failed to disclose nearly a million dollars of income earned by his wife, and brushed off that failure to disclose with an "Oops, didn't understand the paperwork" excuse.

[I know of several Newton schoolgirls that were reaping wonderful monetary gains from checks written to buy their silence.]

Given the simple, unavoidable fact that Mr. Thomas is bereft of both shame and a code of personal ethics, it is highly unlikely he will resign, especially if his wife is raking in the cash thanks to his decisions.

[So WHEN did you ever APOLOGIZE for the shame and lack of personal ethics in perpetrating the Rove indictment hoax?]

In that event, the final remedy of impeachment must be deployed. The Supreme Court must not be a place for partisan political fundraising or friendly-donor back-slapping. It is the place of last recourse in our system of laws, and must be as far above reproof as can be humanly managed. Clarence Thomas is an embarrassment to the ideals of our system of government, and must go. He can choose to leave, or be removed by Constitutional remedy, but his time on the bench must be concluded.

[If you had taken a break from your Newton schoolyard and checked out the library for a change, you would have found out that Congress must impeach. The chances of them now impeaching Clarence Thomas ranks somewhere between nil and none. Of course, your REAL purpose is to keep Justice Thomas from voting on the constitutionality of ObamaCare.]

He and Ginni will just have to go find honest work like everyone else.

[What sort of work would you suggest, Will? Pounding a 10 square foot patch of pavement in front of Bukowski's or pitching journalistic hoaxes? And now to the DUmmie Peanut Gallery...]

Clarence Thomas never should have been installed in the first place.

[Wasn't Clarence Thomas installed on May 12, 2006 via a sealed indictment?]

He was lying in his hearing even before Anita Hill showed up.

[So WHEN will Pitt apologize for his LIES?]

Great job, as usual, Will

[As terrific as his Fitzmas job?]

Excellent piece, as usual, Will. Your work is much appreciated.

[Yes, we really appreciate the astounding level of hypocrisy.]

posted by PJ-Comix at 7:20 PM

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