Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Obama forgers who 'punked birthers'

The Obama forgers who 'punked birthers'
Radical supporters of president 'punked birthers'

By Jerome R. Corsi

This is the first in a series examining the role supporters of Barack Obama have played in forging fraudulent birth certificates..

NEW YORK – Radical supporters of Barack Obama have openly admitted to forging Obama birth certificates, going so far as to identify themselves by their usernames to claim responsibility on Internet blogs.

They have described their activities as satire, a tactic designed to deflect criminal charges that might otherwise be filed against them for producing fraudulent official government documents.

As WND has reported in a three-part series, published here, here, and here, scanner expert Doug Vogt has filed criminal charges with the FBI, alleging that the Obama birth certificate released by the White House April 27 was fraudulently created.

Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in the nation's history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President."

In this series of articles WND will examine Obama supporters whose history and involvement in forging Obama birth certificate documents makes them possible suspects in the alleged forgery of the birth document released by the White House.

The Bomford fraud

On Aug. 2, 2009, WND reported that eligibility lawyer Orly Taitz had made public what became known as the "Bomford" birth certificate, seen here as Exhibit 1, by filing a motion in federal court to determine the document's authenticity.

Exhibit 1, forged Bomford birth certificate

Taitz's filing of the Bomford birth certificate caused such a stir that a thread discussing the document on Free Republic drew more than 10,000 postings.

On Aug. 4, 2009, Joseph Farah wrote an editorial expressing strong suspicions the document was not authentic.

That same day, Internet bloggers revealed that the Bomford birth certificate had been forged from an authentic "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth" issued in 1964 to an Australian citizen, David Jeffrey Bomford, born April 10, 1959, at Thebarton Community Hospital, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The document is seen here as Exhibit 2.

Exhibit 2, authentic Bomford birth certificate, Brisbane, Australia, 1959

The forgers had found the document on a genealogy website set up by the Bomford family, and the forgery derived a look of authenticity because in August 1961, the month of Obama's birth, Kenya was in the Commonwealth of Great Britain. The modified document conveyed a surface look of credibility using the Australian birth certificate as a template.

Culprits come forward

Nearly a year later, a leftist Internet blogger presenting himself under the username "PJ Foggy" revealed that he had played a major role in the Bomford birth certificate forgery, as seen in Exhibit 3, a post on a forum created by Ed Hale in conjunction with Plains Radio.

Exhibit 3, PJ Foggy post, July 23, 2010

What PJ Foggy makes clear in this Internet blog post from July 23, 2010, was that he was a messenger, not the creator of the fraudulent document. He mailed the document to Neil Sankey, an investigator for Orly Taitz, some time in July 2009.

Foggy takes delight in realizing that Taitz proceeded to file the document in federal court, even though she never had the original document in hand.

The implication seems to be that a professional document authenticator would have been reluctant to proceed on an copy of an electronic document, without first having subjected the original to forensic examination to determine its authenticity.

In yet another post made on Gretawire.com, a blog created by Fox News Channel host Greta Susteren, seen here as Exhibit 4, Foggy emphasized that he was not the person responsible for producing the forgery:

Exhibit 4, PJ Foggy post admitting he knew forger of Bomford document

Here, Foggy stressed that he was not the forger, even though he asserted he knows the forger's identity.

Foggy and the forger made it clear that their purpose in creating the Bomford birth certificate forger was to ridicule and embarrass those questioning Obama's birth certificates, as seen in discussion on a website Foggy created for that purpose, TheFogbow.com.

"The Bomford created a huge sensation in the tiny Republic of Birtherstan," the commentary on TheFogbow.com reads. "To this day, there are birthers who think it was an authentic birth certificate showing that President Obama was born in Kenya. But it was all a hoax, a spoof, political satire, done by some unnamed Obot genius."

Evidence of Bomford fraud

TheFogbow.com also displays a photo of the materials the forger used, seen here as Exhibit 5:

Exhibit 5, materials used to create Bomford birth certificate fraud

Exhibit 7, the Bomford birth certificate, with the words handwritten, "You've Been Punk'd

To continue the mockery, Obama supporters even opened a website allowing users to create their own Kenyan birth certificate, as seen here in Exhibit 8:

Exhibit 78, "Kenya birth certificate generator"

The next article in the series will reveal the identity of PJ Foggy and show the role he has played interfering with attorney Orly Taitz and others who have brought court cases seeking to contest legally Obama's eligibility to be president.

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