Sunday, June 12, 2011

“One German organic farm has killed twice as many people as Fukushima and the Gulf Oil spill combined.”

“One German organic farm has killed twice as many people as Fukushima and the Gulf Oil spill combined.”

Rob Port

There is always sensationalism from the environmentalists when it comes to things like nuclear power plants and oil spills. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we were treated to weeks of hysteric predictions of doom from the anti-nuclear crowd in the green movement. After the gulf oil spill, to hear some in the media describe it, we were in for an ecological apocalypse in the gulf coast region.

Of course, reality didn’t live up to hype. And just to put it all into perspective, consider this:

Investigators have determined that German-grown vegetable sprouts [from an organic farm in Lower Saxony] are the cause of the E. coli outbreak that has killed 29 people and sickened nearly 3,000, the head of Germany’s national disease control center said Friday.

As one commenter at Small Dead Animals said, “One German organic farm has killed twice as many people as the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the Gulf Oil spill combined.”

Don’t expect the environmentalist movement to start protesting organic food farms.

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