Friday, June 17, 2011

Pardon My Insolence, But Should A Commie-Lover Be Running the Pentagon?

Pardon My Insolence, But Should A Commie-Lover Be Running the Pentagon?
By Matthew Vadum

Researcher extraordinaire Trevor Loudon has uncovered more evidence that Leon Panetta is at ease with Communists.

Currently President Obama's nominee for Secretary of Defense, Panetta is director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Loudon discovered that at the height of tensions with the Soviet Union then-Congressman Panetta was close to a "peace activist" named Lucy Haessler. Haessler was involved with the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF).

Panetta placed a tribute in the Congressional Record on April 11, 1984, to mark Haessler's 80th birthday. Loudon writes

Panetta noted that Lucy Haessler attended several conferences of the East German based organization, in France, the Soviet Union, Poland and East Germany.

He did neglect to mention however that the W.I.D.F. was a well documented Soviet front.

Congressman Panetta also commended Haessler for her activism in opposition to the Vietnam War and the deployment of US Cruise and Pershing II missiles in Europe. Haesslers activism in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Women Strike for Peace, are also noted. Both organizations were heavily also affiliated to another Soviet front, the World Peace Council and were heavily infiltrated by the Communist Party USA and its allies.

Congressman Panetta rounded off the tribute by hoping that Mrs Haessler would "continue her valiant efforts, and with her help, we may yet realize her 80 year old dream: Peace on Earth."

This tribute raises an important question. In the context of the time, in what was effectively the height of the "Cold War", why did Congressman Panetta consider it appropriate to praise an activist so clearly sympathetic to the "other side". The Soviet affiliations of the Women's International Democratic Federation were well known at the time. Given Panetta's close ties to the Santa Cruz left, including to long time communist Hugh DeLacy and his own leftist views, it is inconceivable that Panetta did not understand the significance of Haessler's activism. [emphasis added]

The Senate Armed Services Committee is expected to vote on the Panetta nomination Tuesday.

Surely Panetta should at least explain his questionable associations before put in charge of the mightiest military force on earth.

While we're talking about Reds, I will be discussing the small-c communists of ACORN again on the Fox Business show "Follow the Money" with Eric Bolling at 10 o'clock Eastern tonight (Friday).

ACORN, President Obama's former employer and legal client, has metastasized overseas. Venezuelan caudillo Hugo Chavez may have funded the radical group.

All these juicy tidbits and so much more are in my new book Subversion Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers.

It's approved by the rightosphere's most eminent raconteur Robert Stacy McCain -- so you know it has to be good!

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