Monday, June 6, 2011

Progressive Democrats Of America Endorses New Flotilla Against Israel

Yup, you read that title correctly. The Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) are endorsing the Hamas Flotilla II, which is set to launch June 20th 2011.

The following elected Democrats and radical organizers sit on the board of the Progressive Democrats of America:

John Conyers
Donna Edwards
Raul Grijalva
Barbara Lee
Jim McGovern
Lynn Woolsey
Dennis Kucinich

The following resolution in support of the coming Hamas Flotilla 2 is buried on the website of the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA):

Resolution in Support of U.S. Aid Ship The Audacity of Hope

RESOLVED – We, the membership of Progressive Democrats of America, by democratic and representational vote, hereby affirm our support and endorsement of the U.S. aid ship The Audacity of Hope, due to set sail for Gaza in October of this year, as an expression of our insistence that Israel meet its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and end its occupation and colonization of Palestinian lands. As peace and justice advocates, PDA considers it our obligation not only to criticize immoral and illegal acts, but to back up that criticism with action.

CodePink is organizing the American front of the coming Hamas Flotilla 2.

CodePink sits on the board of the Progressive Democrats of America.

Progressive Democrats of America officially supports the American front of the coming Hamas Flotilla 2.

Would any of the above elected officials like to comment on the record regarding PDA support of the Flotilla movement?

Are there any Jewish elected officials out there who would like to comment on this??

Are there any Israel supporting elected officials of any stripe that would like to comment on this?

Here is a list of Americans who will be on the US boat named “The Audacity of Hope” The list includes at least one board member of the Progressive Democrats of America.

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