Sunday, June 5, 2011

Schools to kids: You can be boys or girls or both

Pro-family organizations across the nation are expressing shock and alarm over a new wave of homosexual indoctrination developing in public schools – especially in California – where parents are not even given the option of withdrawing their kids from the mandatory lessons on being "gay" or more.

"Young children are being taught that they can choose to be a boy or a girl – or both," said officials at Mass Resistance, one of the leading organizations across the country defending the fact that students are boys or girls.

"Boys, for example, should be comfortable wearing girls' clothes and nail polish, etc. And there aren't just two genders, there can be a range. And, of course, the school does not allow parents to opt their kids out," the organization said.

How did America come to this? Read about it in "The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom"

It was citing the work of an elementary school in Oakland, where officials allowed an outside advocacy organization, Gender Spectrum, to tell young students that sexuality is what they want it to be, not necessarily what nature endowed them to be.

A Fox News report on the issue said the school officials defended their actions by explaining that all student "behaviors" have to be accepted and reinforced.

Baloney, said Brad Dacus, of Pacific Justice Institute. He said such indoctrination just creates gender "confusion" for young children.

Officials with also have been highlighting the egregious results when mandatory gender lessons are adopted by public schools.

The organization's president, Randy Thomasson, is concerned because of previous mandatory teaching standards adopted in California, as well as pending legislation that would require profiling as role models lesbians, homosexuals and those with other alternative sexual lifestyle choices.

His organization has published a resource page for links to answers on questions such as, "Is there a 'gay gene'?" and "Is homosexual healthy?"

Thomasson has reported that there have been developing significant issues over the state's legally recommended recognition of "Harvey Milk Day," too. Milk was an openly homosexual elected official.

The organization has documented that even though there is no scientific or biological basis for homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality, the schools teach it as a normal lifestyle choice.

In honoring Milk, Thomasson organization notes, schools are advocating for the acceptance of what Milk sought: the entire homosexual, bisexual, and cross-dressing agenda, a refusal to acknowledge sexually transmitted diseases spread by this behavior, his behavior as "a sexual predator of teenage boys, most of them runaways with drug problems," advocacy for multiple sexual relationships at one time, and "lying to get ahead."

A 1982 biography of Milk states: "...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him."

It also explains, "It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life."

Under the state's SB 572, which already is law, schools are to have "suitable commemorative exercises" regarding Milk's "contributions" during May. warns that since those exercises are undefined, what could happen in a public school would be assignments to write about Milk, watching the film about him in class, "having children participate in cross-dressing contests, mock gay-pride parades and mock gay weddings," or others.

The consequences of refusing to accept the state's beliefs about homosexuality can be devastating, SaveCalifornia documents.

In a report from Thomasson, he said got an email from a parent whose daughter had objected to attending a "gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk at Moreno Valley High School."

Said the email, according to Thomasson, "You were right our daughter was told she had to attend a gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk. … She shared she was a christian with the teacher and only after she saw Lauren was clearly upset about going to this rally did she issue her a hall pass. She was persecuted by another student but made it out of the class. I picked up her and she was very upset. How many other Christians were forced to go to this rally?"

The account from 16-year-old Lauren provided more details, Thomasson reported.

"When she walked into her U.S. History class Monday, May 23, she saw the words 'Gay-Straight Alliance Assembly – Harvey Milk' on the blackboard. Her teacher, obviously a pro-homosexuality agenda sympathizer, told Lauren and every other student walking in to go to the assembly. Lauren protested, but the teacher didn't listen to her at first. Lauren again said she didn't want to go, and finally the teacher exempted her, but only her," he reported.

"Lauren got out of that one, but her fellow students were corralled into the brainwashing assembly, like cattle going to slaughter, where the homosexual sponsor of the on-campus Gay-Straight Alliance told them how they must support the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda of Harvey Milk. Later, a Muslim classmate told Lauren she wished she had refused to go to the assembly, too."

The report described how the teacher, several days earlier had "played several minutes of the R-rated Milk film, which showed two homosexual men in bed together."

"Parents, realize there was NO advance parental notification of this happening or the opportunity to opt out your children. Even more, realize there was no parent permission sought, no opt-in form to sign. No, Harvey Milk sexual indoctrination, and other sexual indoctrination implemented, because of other perverse laws are being done behind parents' backs and despite parents' objections," Thomasson's report said.

WND previously reported what happened to one irate parent who found out about a public school's sexual indoctrination of his children and demanded changes – he spent the night in jail.

That case involved David Parker, who brought a case against Estabrook Elementary school in Lexington, Mass., several years ago. Parker eventually ended up withdrawing his children from the school because of the harassment they endured because of the dispute.

An appellate court said the indoctrination was appropriate because same-sex "marriages" are legal in Massachusetts following the work of former Gov. Mitt Romney and others, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene.

That left the school district not only teaching behaviors the Parker family considered immoral, but deliberately refusing to tell them when it would be taught so they could keep their children home.

Parker noted the results say teachers "have a constitutional right to coercively indoctrinate little children [into whatever they choose to teach]."

According to Mass Resistance, there is one significant sexual orientation bill pending in California now, SB 48, which would require those alternative sexual lifestyles being taught to young children as role models. Another pending plan, AB 433, would allow the issuance of new birth certificates to an individual who changes his or her sex and name.

"Is this your future?" the organization asked. "It is unless you stop it. The 'transgender rights' bills being pushed in Massachusetts and other states bring much more than just 'bathroom' problems."

The "bathroom" reference recalls several major disputes that have developed in Maryland over a county's plan banning to ban "gender" discrimination in public facilities. That effectively would have allowed men who say they are women to use women's locker rooms in any "public facility," and vice versa.

Mass Resistance explained how many of the promotions for sexual alternatives are disguised as "anti-bullying" campaigns.

"It's no secret that the main force (and funding) behind this national push has been the homosexual and transgender movements. In Massachusetts, the overwhelming number of groups testifying at the public hearing on the anti-bullying bill were homosexual and transgender groups. In every situation we know about, these groups were even involved in the actual writing of the legislation. These laws rarely are crafted by actual behavioral scientists, always by activists," the organization reported.

Thomasson's organization offers an instant solution, at the website, where parents are encouraged to move their children to a private school, Christian school or homeschooling.

"California laws have changed so radically in the last few years that your child WILL be sexually indoctrinated and subjected to very negative influences if left in the government school system," the organization said.

The steps are being taken even though people disapprove of such indoctrination.

A WND/Wenzel Strategies poll just weeks ago revealed an overwhelming majority of Americans say elementary school is no place to promote the homosexual lifestyle, and even among liberals there is the strong belief that such lessons should be left outside the door of the classroom.

"Whether they object on moral grounds or simply out of concern that many U.S. schools are failing in their core missions of teaching basics doesn't really matter – the vast majority of American adults want this type of curriculum kept out of the classroom," Wenzel chief Fritz Wenzel said.

The scientific telephone survey was done April 19-21, and had a margin of error of 3.23 percentage points. It found that 65 percent of all respondents objected to teaching elementary school children that homosexuality is a "normal alternative lifestyle."

The question was, "Do you believe elementary school children should be taught that homosexuality is a normal alternative lifestyle?"

Only 22 percent agreed that would be right, and only 13 percent were unsure.

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