Thursday, June 23, 2011

Upton: House Will Vote to Bring Back the Bulb

Upton: House Will Vote to Bring Back the Bulb
By Henry Payne

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R.,Mich.) has finally agreed to support a bill this summer that means lights out on the looming 2012 ban on the incandescent light bulb. Upton himself co-sponsored 2007 legislation making light bulbs illegal, a ban that has become a symbol of bipartisan Big Government run amok.

Upton has come under increased pressure in recent weeks, sources say, after failing to follow up on a promise he made after assuming the committee chairmanship that he would hold hearings on reversing the ban. After months of paralysis — and with the ban just six months from going into effect on January 1 — outrage was building among his own Republican committee colleagues and conservative activists, including a national petition campaign,, sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

“Freedom Action’s Free Our Light campaign has demonstrated that there is widespread public opposition to the light bulb ban,” says Myron Ebell, Director of Freedom Action at CEI. “We’re pleased that Chairman Upton has seen the light and congratulate him on his decision. We look forward to the House passing the bill to repeal the ban and its eventual enactment later this year.”

After Upton scheduled hearings this week featuring rent-seeking corporate fat cats that stood to benefit from the ban, anger boiled over and the chairman agreed not only to cancel the hearings but to bring up a bill repealing the ban. A source tells the Michigan View that the bill will likely be brought up under “suspension,” which means no amendments will be allowed and passage requires a two-thirds majority.

Read more at here.

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