Friday, June 10, 2011

The U.S. Dept. of Eugenics - Part 4

To reduce the risk of anxiety related health issues, it is Department policy the judgment process last no longer than five minutes.

With time to spare, the three judges reenter the room, followed by two masked men clad in all white.

"It is the decision of this panel that your existence be immediately terminated. So your last few moments are not filled with regret over the words you used while attempting to justify your place in our country, the specifics behind our sentence will not be provided. We assure you that our ruling was based on the entirety of your life's work, as well as future prospects, not the preceding 15-minutes. The procedure you will soon experience is quick and painless. The American people thank you for your sacrifice," the female judge states, exactly as I had written in an office three floors above.

The burly men escort me down a long corridor. I faintly hear my wife scream in agony. Obviously the walls are thinner than I thought. Unfortunately it's much too late to rectify the situation. On the other hand, it's somewhat comforting to be loved with such passion that news of my imminent passing triggers such a wretched sound.

I am placed on a gurney and stuck with needles. I don't really pay attention to the number of tubes or the blinking lights. "Noticing a tear, a masked nurse attempts to comfort me, most likely off-script. "You're in caring, speedy hands. Clear your head for just a couple more minutes. God will surely reward your gift to society."

Having always been curious about comforting tactics, I listen intently to the soothing female voice emanating from the overhead speakers.

"Please close your eyes and rest your head on the soft pillow. Relax, take a deep breath and then slowly exhale..."

A fact that speaks volumes about the pride I took in my work, my last moments are spent admiring Dr. Fitzsimmons for hiring the perfect actress to handle voice-over duties.

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