Wednesday, July 27, 2011

All 9 Republican Presidential Candidates Diss La Raza Conference

The same day Barack Obama spoke before the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza (“The Race”), all nine Republican Presidential candidates declined to accept the invitation of NCLR President Janet Murguia. They are no dummies. La Raza has been recently exposed as a racially-divisive organization which pimps for amnesty for illegals – accusing any officials who endorse the rule of law as “racist” or “anti-Latino“. They also fund racist charter schools such as those in the un-American “La Raza Studies” program in Tucson which we and others have exposed; and is funded by taxpayers to fund its separatist agenda, such as Latino-only scholarships, increased funding for welfare specifically for Latinos, and foreclosure assistance for Latinos (this after playing a major role in provoking the housing crash by suing banks to force subprime loans to poor Latinos and illegals).

But Janet Murguia has quite a chip on her shoulder. Murguia falsely poses the NCLR as THE group representing ALL Latinos. Thus in a not-so-veiled threat, she said this about the Republicans who refused to legitimize her race-baiting fest:

By turning down the invitation, Murguîa told Latina, “To me, it reflects that we are not a priority.” The NCLR conference is one of the largest Latino events in the country. “Even Republican political analysts have been saying that the next president needs to have 40% of the Latino vote to get elected, and yet there is this failure among Republicans to even be part of the conversation.”

To Murguia, the NCLR IS “Latinos”. ALL Latinos. This despite polls showing many Latinos – when (rarely) asked by the media – disagree with her views on Arizona’s immigration law, and despite many Latinos who have spoken out against illegal immigration.

Republicans who believe Murguia’s lies do so at their own peril. Because the vast majority of the electorate are outraged by illegal immigration, Obama’s stealth amnesty for illegals via the infamous ICE memos, and the $113 billion illegals cost the U.S. every year, bankrupting schools, hospitals and social services from coast to coast.

Thankfully, if dissing La Raza’s conference is a clue, they are hearing the voice of the people on this issue. Bravo. Now keep it up.

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