Monday, July 18, 2011

Another Obamination; Our Southern border

People seem to be generally unaware that the terrorism threat is a very real one from illegals entering the US from our unprotected Southern border states. Here is comment by our frequent contributor, Rich Carroll, who lives in one of those states.

First off, let's put to rest Barack Hussein's comment about “keeping America safe.” He has sued the State of Arizona for trying to “keep American safe.” Obama and his supporters need to stop lying.

Moving-right-along, Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano recently stated: “Our borders are more secure than they have ever been.” Let's examine this lie: Pinal County, Arizona statistics for the three year period from 2008 thru 2010: calls to police about illegals rose from 169 to 370. Vehicle pursuits in the county jumped from 140 to 340, and Marijuana seized in 2008 was 19,619 pounds versus 45,400 pounds in 2010. Cartel drug smugglers have been killed 70 miles into the state of Arizona, and murders and body mutilations are up. U.S. Border Patrol reports that nearly half the illegal immigrants entering America come through Arizona. The Tucson sector alone captured 219,300 illegals in 2010. On April 1, 2011, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told the press he had information that Border Patrol officials have repeatedly been told to reduce – sometimes stop – their arrests of illegal aliens at the U.S./Mexico border. During the year 2010, 84 per cent of the 448,000 illegal aliens arrested by U.S. Border Patrol were not prosecuted.

A former U.S. Intelligence agent reported that Hezbollah has been setting up shop in Mexico for the past 15 to 20 years and they are partnering with drug cartels to gain the funds, the guns and the money needed to cross our border and carry out terrorist attacks on you and I. This writer has been involved with volunteer border security for five years and seen some of this with my own eyes. All that is protecting the lives of innocent Americans from the militant jihadists intent on destroying our country and life is a few miles of desert and largely unmonitored open border.

For decades Hezbollah has operated in South and Central America with their ally, Hamas. Now, Hezbollah is blending into Shia Muslim communities in Mexico including Tijuana, and Juarez as they build their relationships with Mexican drug cartels to gain the funds needed for terror attacks on the U.S. Hezbollah is regarded as the “A” Team of terrorists because their members are better trained, better organized and overall better strategic thinkers.

The Obama Administration continues to ignore the terrorists plotting against us and playing politics with border security and immigration reform for the sake of re-election with the help of amnesty for EVERY illegal immigrant by next year.

Both the U.S. Border Patrol Agency and U.S. Customs fall under the umbrella organization of Department of Homeland Security. In the game of bureaucratic lying, monies slated for the Border Patrol have been cut and they are running out of money for such things as gasoline. This will cut-down on actual patrol and “catching bad guy time.” The U.S. Border Patrol needs to return to the Department of Justice where it was before 911. Someone has purposely degraded our ability to catch illegal aliens crossing our southern border. Who could that be?

During the year 2010, 663 Muslims with ties to terrorist organizations were captured along our southern border. This included individuals from special-interest countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen and countries designated by the U.S. Department of State as sponsors of terror – Iran, Syria and Sudan. These figures can be verified through the office of John Cornyn (R-Texas). How many were not captured? So much for “defending our security.”

According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office report, 56 per cent of the border is not under operational control. 44 per cent secure is a FAILING GRADE by any standards and our Homeland Security Director thinks Americans are stupid enough to swallow her radical leftist pablum. Bunk.

Above, I have only discussed one small fraction of the 2000 mile border.
To protect the future of your children and grand children, call or write your senator and congressmen. STOP THE INSANITY. We are sitting like sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

© Rich Carroll 2011

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