Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bread and Circuses: Poor and Broke Camp Out Overnight, Rush the Gates for Gov Rental Assistance

Bread and Circuses: Poor and Broke Camp Out Overnight, Rush the Gates for Gov Rental Assistance

The video clip below is reminiscent of the annual American version of the Running of the Bulls on the Friday following Thanksgiving Day. But on this particular day, people aren’t looking for deals on flat screen TV’s and video game systems. Having maxed out their credit cards to “save” money on must have technology items in November of 2010, many residents of the U.S. are finding it increasingly difficult to put food on the table and pay the rent.

This has led to increased government assistance all over the country. The latest giveaway in the growing trend of housing and rental entitlement expenditures comes to us from Dallas, TX, where broke and hungry residents, many of whom camped out overnight, rushed the gates of the Jesse Owens Memorial Complex in an effort to get their piece of the entitlement pie.


For those familiar with the movie Gladiator starring Russel Crowe, you may be familiar with the scene where Caesar has loaves of bread thrown to the crowds. The actions of our government today are nothing more than the bread and circuses acts of the political elite in societies on the brink of collapse. Appease the masses with empty promises and satisfy the immediate shallow needs of the populace. Rinse, repeat. Until you run out of money to even throw them their bread.

This begs the question, what happens when the money stops flowing to Main Street?

We suspect it will go something like Zbigniew Brzezinski forecast in a recent interview, suggesting that when the middle, working and welfare class run out of money society will slide into intensified social conflicts and hostility.

It’s obvious that more and more people are finding it increasingly difficult to pay for their housing, their food, and their energy needs. At some point the credit will run out – on a personal and governmental level – and the necessities for life will cost so much that no one will be able to afford them. When this happens, we can expect not hundreds, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of angry, broke, and hungry people lining the streets of our major cities demanding justice.

Author: Mac Slavo
Date: July 14th, 2011

Copyright Information: Copyright SHTFplan and Mac Slavo. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

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