Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chicken Liberals

by Russ Vaughn

I don't listen to Michael Savage much, just as I don't listen to much talk radio at all because I live in an area where clear broadcasts of such are not readily available. That being said, one rare occasion when I was listening to the good Dr. Savage in my car, his pronouncement that liberalism is a mental disorder struck a responsive chord in me. Thinking about his premise, I could see where he might find the roots for such a assertion. Mental illness is mental instability; instability is the product of insecurity, of doubt and the fears that always accompany doubt. There is no other descriptive which can be more widely applied to liberal thought than doubt and the extension of that is this: A constant state of doubt produces a constant state of fear.

Think about it-think about the liberals you know; aren't they always the first ones to pick up on the latest, trendy, impending calamity? Why is it that liberals dominate the ranks of global doomsayers in so many instances? Sure, you'll get the occasional, oddball conservative who buys into the disaster of the day, but the truth is, it's mostly liberals who have this constant fear of looming doom. If it isn't industrialization, Malthusian overpopulation, DDT, global cooling or the Y2K rotation of the centuries, it's anthropogenic global warming. At this very moment, as global warming is waning, it's American debt default. The observable and undeniable point being it is always something that is scaring the britches off of liberals.

That sort of constant, unwarranted fear would certainly support Dr. Savage's contention in a symptomatic sense. You know folks, there is a perfectly descriptive medical term for constant, unwarranted fear: paranoia. That condition is indeed classified as a form of mental illness by medical professionals and there are even situations where it has been observed to have been induced in the masses in a condition referred to as mass hysteria. Such hysteria is happily fed by cheerleaders in the mainstream media because fear sells-fear keeps attention focused on the screen; fear slows down channel surfing and keeps a rapt, apprehensive audience glued to the screen which then provides the requisite viewership numbers to sell more advertising. And you thought media fear-mongering was all about politics when it's really about nothing more than money.

But that's only applicable to the opportunists who feed the addictions of those for whom fear of global calamity is the lifeblood of their existence. Those media purveyors of doom might even rightfully claim to be performing a public service in feeding the widespread liberal addiction to fear of imminent disaster. Truth is, these predators are right. When you have a willing, receptive mass of millions who will swallow without question your worst prophecies, all the while enthusiastically buying all the organic, green, solar-powered, wind-driven nonsensical products your advertisers can concoct, why wouldn't you do it? Hey, that's capitalism in its purest form. Even if you're a blogger only selling your political ideology, are you going to ignore such a vast, predisposed audience?

If the sky-is-falling Chicken Liberals ever figure that out, guess what?

Probably another, new end-of-the-world crisis.

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