Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How Obama Caused The Debt, Downgrade Crisis

How Obama Caused The Debt, Downgrade Crisis

There is a clear, concise, as well as accurate, explanation for why Obama and no one else owns the current debt and potential U.S. downgrade problem. While spending is certainly out of control and Bush's late move to "save" the economy didn't help, spending is only one piece of the problem.

What most troubles the credit rating agencies is America's debt to GDP ratio. This chart via Wikipedia makes it all very clear.

Obama's economic policies, ObamaCare and business's heightened concerns over more and more regulation, especially as long as Obama is in the White House, are stifling economic growth. That, combined with his tremendous, irresponsible domestic spending, has debt trending on a course to equal and potentially surpass GDP.

Any homeowner can appreciate what's going on. A responsible lender will not allow you to accrue too much debt in proportion to your potential income. Obama's economic philosophy is driving him to want tax increases to increase revenue to keep pace with spending.

Free market capitalists realize that when you tax and/or over-regulate economic activity, you prohibit growth. Combined, Obama's political and economic philosophy is a disaster for America. Both aspects negatively impact the two critical trend lines: debt and GDP.

This, in a nutshell, is what the average American and voter needs to understand to appreciate precisely how disastrous the Obama administration has been and will continue to be if we hope to once again enjoy an economically robust America with the capacity to both maintain and raise our standard of living.

The only other option, one Obama clearly prefers, is one in which everyone and everything below a more or less locked in elitist establishment is provided for and dictated to by said establishment. It, not one's efforts, would determine who gets what and when. What Obama is in the process of destroying has traditionally been called the American Dream. As long as he remains in office and Democrats now so beholden to the far Left remain in power, we will continue to experience this nightmare.

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