Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If GOP Caves, Hello Third Party


RUSH: Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hello, Dave. Great to have you with us on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Rush, we have fought the good fight. The Speaker has fought the good fight. We have concessions. There will be no taxes in this agreement. We have two options, Rush. We have the Speaker's plan, or Reid's plan. Rush, you said many times, we live in Realville. This is Realville, Rush. We have two plans, the Speaker's or Senator Reid's plan. The Speaker's plan is way better for us than Senator Reid's plan will ever be.

RUSH: Senator Reid's plan doesn't have the votes. Senator Reid's plan is not gonna get votes and the Boehner plan doesn't have any votes in the Senate.

CALLER: Rush, they're gonna have to pass Boehner's plan. It's the only thing left to the table.

RUSH: No, no. Wait a second. Where's this coming from? On what basis do we have to pass anything right now?

CALLER: Rush, the president has the bully pulpit. He will turn this on us. He will blame everything on the Republican Party. We can't take the chance. At least the Speaker's plan is a step in the right direction, Rush. It's our only option.

RUSH: We're gonna get blamed no matter what happens. By the way, Dingy Harry has already announced that not one Democrat will vote for the Boehner plan. I don't understand, why do you want to cave right now?

CALLER: I don't want to cave. I'm not caving, Rush.

RUSH: You are. It's July 27th. We're not gonna default. Why do you think the best plan out there has already been proposed?

CALLER: Rush, what if all the things that they say are going to happen, happen? It will be blamed on the Republican Party, and it will be four more years of Obama. With this, we at least have fought the good fight. We have another election in 2012. We get more people in that think like we do, and we make the real changes that need to be made.

RUSH: I don't know. If we do the wrong plan here we've just reelected Obama.

CALLER: No. Rush, this is a step in the right direction. We'll still be able to run. All of our leaders will be able to say, "We would have done more if we had more of the right people in government," but they're just not there, Rush. We don't have the Senate, don't have the White House.

RUSH: I guarantee if they say that, it's hello third party, 'cause it's Obama who's on the ropes.

CALLER: Rush, third party equals Obama reelection.

RUSH: I know! That's exactly what I'm telling you.

CALLER: Everybody in the Tea Party needs to understand that, that third party equals Obama reelection.

RUSH: I know, and you're giving me the architectural mechanism to create a third party here.

CALLER: Rush, a third party will equal Obama's reelection, and the Tea Party and anybody else that would like to start a third party need to fully understand that.

RUSH: You're not hearing me.

CALLER: I'm trying, Rush.

RUSH: What I'm telling you is that if we go out and say, "Okay, this is the plan, and this is the best we can do, but we need four more years and we need another election," that will create a third party.

CALLER: Well, no.

RUSH: It will, because it's giving up. It's because it's waving the white flag. It's saying, "We won that November election in a landslide, in a landslide, and the result of that landslide is, 'This is the best we could do. We need to win more elections.'" It would be looked at as a cave.


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