Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jane Fonda: Very Upset That Older Americans Can Remember Things

Jane Fonda: Very Upset That Older Americans Can Remember Things
—Dave In Texas

I really hate it when old commies won't own it and complain later "oh, I never!"

Hanoi Jane wanted to promote her book about aging and the "life cycle." Damn those old people and their stupid memories!

Somebody call the waaaahmbulance.
The network said they got a lot of calls yesterday criticizing me for my opposition to the Vietnam War and threatening to boycott the show if I was allowed to appear. Bottom line, this has gone on far too long, this spreading of lies about me! None of it is true. NONE OF IT! I love my country. I have never done anything to hurt my country or the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us.

None of it is true? Oh ninja, please. Check out the links at the link. She never did anything to hurt our country or the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us.. except condemn the men who fought for us then as purposefully attacking civilians, and the men who returned from communist POW camps as "hypocrites and liars".

Please, please whine some more about how businesses decline to peddle your wares because it's been "so long now, and that's all in the past" Jane.

I could respect her (perhaps, ok I'm lyin) if she denounced it. I'll be damned if I'll feel an ounce of pity over her stupid ass "pretending it never happened".

It happened.

The hell with her and her "oh this isn't fair".

via Monty, who does a damned good impression of J-Dog Stalin communicating in code on an Enigma machine, if I do say so myself (see the comments).

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