Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jennifer Rubin Is An Asshole

Sorry, but there's really no other word for it. Talk about someone with a malfunction. You write for the Washington Post now, sweetie. You need to grow up and at least write like an adult, even if you can't manage to think like one. Besides, as far as conservatism, all you likely ever did was cheer the nation off to another war and suck down, only to regurgitate, the GOP establishment line on domestic policy. You sound like a petty loser. Plenty of good people are fighting an honest fight to get this out of control government to rein in spending. Suggesting all they want to do is blow up a deal is a pathetic disservice done them by an obviously very small-minded, petty person misleading people about your politics by calling yourself a conservative. That makes you a liar.

The president gets a deal through 2012; the House gets its cuts; and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) gets his commission. And the GOP extremists don’t get their balanced budget amendment passed and sent to the states or the satisfaction of blowing up the deal. As for the country, if it passes, the agreement will take us from the days of automatic debt-ceiling raises to the first, tentative steps toward fiscal sanity.

I'd wager she's been called a lot of things, what with her petty attitude and lack of class, let alone a genuine appreciation for a genuine conservatism. Via her Wiki.

Rubin's political views are widely characterized as conservative[4] and neoconservative.[5] She was also called a supporter of Tea Party movement,[6]

The most accurate thing to call her is likely a typical John Kerry-backing L.A. liberal who changed her stripes over the Democrat's foreign policy and has been lying about what she is ever since. It takes at least a small amount of courage and tremendous fortitude to fight a wrong-headed mainstream political party when it's wrong-headed, Rubin. You didn't even have it in you to fight for the Democrat Party, apparently - but just looked for the path of least resistance, instead. Not to mention, it takes a complete lack of class and integrity to mis-characterize yourself as a conservative the way you have and do, only to advance a career you clearly don't deserve.

Also, your now using your ill-gained platform to question the honest motivations of so many decent, dedicated people selflessly fighting for their beliefs and America's and their children's well being and futures makes you rather despicable. But, don't worry, the good and serious-minded members of the conservative grassroots movement I know wouldn't even want you. There are, after all, two-bit hacks on every corner in Washington. Congratulations on finding yourself a, hopefully, decent paying corner to stand on while you ply your trade.

A commenter on my blog about Jennifer Rubin tells me that he knew her in Hollywood, where she was known to be conventionally liberal as late as 2004:

"I knew Jennifer fairly well for a number of years. She worked at DreamWorks and DreamWorks Animation. She worked with Jeffrey Katzenberg on issues and I had lunch with her lots of times. (I’m the labor rep for the Animation Guild, Local 839 IATSE and she was on the company side. You tend to get to know your opposite number.)

We talked about the 2004 campaign endlessly. She was always funny, with sharp observations. I never got the impression she was anything but a Democrat (as am I.) Maybe she was taking on that coloration because Jeffrey K. is a Big Time Dem, or she genuinely felt that way, or she had a religious conversion. She was mildly critical of some of Kerry’s campaign moves during the ’04 campaign, but she wasn’t in the Bush camp.

It’s somewhat startling to me that she is now hard right, but stranger things have happened. Whether she sees this as where the money and fame is, or what she honestly believes, or something in-between, I know not."

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