Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jumping the Gun With the Racist Card

Jumping the Gun With the Racist Card
Posted by Leigh Patrick Sullivan / 6:49 PM

The left has wasted no time in reacting to the Norway tragedy in the predicted way. Plumbing the depths of integrity, they quickly pointed to his white skin and assumed he had to be a far-right 'Christian fundamentalist'. Using some sort of warped process of elimination, the fact that the terrorist was not Muslim meant he must be a Christian.

It didn't matter that the lie was exposed by Anders Behring Breivik himself in his rambling 1500+ word manifesto when he claimed not to have a 'personal relationship' with Jesus. The whitewash was already in full gear.

I knew one of the repercussions of the incident would be a heightened sensitivity towards those who speak out against multiculturalism, immigration, and the growing influence of Islam in our Western society. The media would be on alert for any kind of story that could be piggybacked.

Perhaps it is coincidence that not long after Norway, while anti-minority racism is a hot topic, a Calgary-based white supremacist group would make the papers for posting flyers around a city neighborhood. Perhaps not.

No matter. It got the desired results as they generated enough complaints to draw media attention.

The story ended up being the perfect example of our current state of over-reaction. Those quoted included area residents and a teacher at the Calgary Immigrant Educational Society, all of whom referred to the flyers as 'racist'.

But a read-through of the actual document leaves one to question that condemnation. It cites statistics and figures that are accurate. It makes no false claims. The numbers are sound.

So then, would it be fair to call the flyer racist because of a perceived theme? You be the judge:


Immigration costs Canadian taxpayers $23 billion annually
265,000 new immigrants enter Canada each year
The official unemployment rate is 7.7%
Does this seem right to you?
If not, contact:
(Ends with contact information of the group Blood and Honour)

What implication do you draw from that? Immigrants are taking our jobs? I have heard that opinion more times than I can count from the people who would know. Whether that is or isn't what you read from the flyer, I believe the case that it can be considered 'racist' in any way is absurd.

Neither the message implied nor the flyer itself is racist. It is a valid, verifiable social opinion by a group that is, by their own admission, racist.

And if we truly value free speech, they should like any other race or religious-based group, be allowed to have their say.

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