Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lights Out… Democrats Block Repeal of Lightbulb Ban – Vote Gives Jobs to China

Lights Out… Democrats Block Repeal of Lightbulb Ban – Vote Gives Jobs to China
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 9:41 PM

House democrats blocked the repeal of the light bulb ban. A majority of Americans oppose the government’s unpopular and unnecessary ban on incandescent bulbs and infringement on choice. On January 1 2012, 100 watt incandescent bulbs will become illegal, with lower wattages to follow.

The democrats just voted to give jobs to China.

The Politico reported:

House lawmakers Tuesday stymied an initial effort by Republicans to put an end to infamous light bulb efficiency standards.

The bill from Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) to repeal part of a 2007 energy law requiring traditional incandescent light bulbs to be 30 percent more energy efficient beginning in 2012 failed to get the necessary two-thirds support needed for approval under expedited rules. A majority of members — 233 — supported the repeal, including five Democrats. Ten Republicans joined 183 Democrats opposing the measure.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi personally whipped Democratic Caucus members to vote against the bill, a Democratic aide told POLITICO.

“I was concerned that Ms. Pelosi might make it a litmus test issue in her caucus, and she did,” Barton said after the vote. “We only got 5 Democrat votes. Everybody in the Blue Dog caucus and the Black caucus that voted no, voted against their constituents.

“I thought I had 25 at a minimum. I thought, if it were truly a free vote, I thought we’d pass it on suspension,” he added.

Barton said his plan is to move the measure under a regular rule requiring only majority support or as a spending bill amendment.

“We can put it on an appropriations bill. We can back it under a rule. I can try and go to some of the Democrats who didn’t vote for it and figure out a way to get them to consider voting for it in a little bit of a different format,” he said.

Of course, with their vote today the democrats gave good paying American jobs to China. The lightbulb ban forced several US manufacturing plants to close their doors. Meanwhile, the labor-intensive CFL production is thriving – in China.
Thanks democrats.

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