Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Macy's 4th special: Beyonce changes Lee Greenwoods lyrics

I was watching the taped episode of the Macy's fourth of July special that was on last night. And I couldn't help but notice a couple of little changes to God Bless the USA. Since she is a total Obamabot, I'm not surprised.

First, in the begining she made a normal expected change because she's not a dude:

If tomorrow all the things were gone, I'd worked for all my life. And I had to start again, with just my children and my wife. (Beyonce replaced the above line with - "with just my family by my side")

Heres the one that pisses me off:

From Detroit down to Houston, and New York to L.A. Well there's pride in every American heart, and its time we stand and say. (BEYONCE REPLACED THE ABOVE LINE WITH: "...and its time to make the change")

Thanks a lot, so glad you could record this crap for charity.

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