Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pelosi Reveals Biblical Ignorance Comparing Obama To Job (Video)

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi has revealed to us once again that she is completely ignorant about the “faith” she claims to have. Her assertion that she loves the Word is highly suspect because she advocates things so clearly in contradiction to what the Word teaches. This is particularly the case with the issue of abortion, and my open letter to Pelosi still stands. Pelosi’s promotion of homosexuality is another example. Pelosi has now absurdly claimed that President Obama has more patience than Job. From CNS News:


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that President Barack Obama has shown a “level of patience” in debt limit negotiations with congressional leaders that does not compare to the biblical figure Job, known as the “Man of Patience.”

“I want to commend the president – I have never seen – Job is no place compared to this president in terms of patience,” said Pelosi at a press briefing on Thursday. “He [Job] doesn’t even begin because this president has demonstrated a level of patience, not only during the meetings but as respect, respectful of the suggestions that are made by all parties at the meeting, in his preparation for the meeting, and his coming back to address concerns that are expressed by others.”

Really? Obama has more patience than a man who lost all his children and livestock? Obama has more patience than a man who broke out in sores all over his body? Apparently meeting with Republicans surpasses these things in Pelosi’s mind, even though Obama cannot even do that. I think Pelosi needs to meet Jesus on a road in San Fransisco for her to realize just how lost she truly is.

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