Thursday, July 21, 2011

Short Bus Obama:: "This Is Something That We Inherited"

Obama On Lack Of Change: "This Is Something That We Inherited"
If some people don't get it, that's ok, it's to be expected. But after umpteen tries in nearly three years, the decision maker is still clueless, it's time for an "involuntary commitment".

President Obama is asked about the "frustration" from people waiting for "change" that he promised from Columbus affiliate WBNS-TV's Jerry Revish:

REVISH: "There's still a lot of frustration from people continuing to wait for that change that you promised, they don't feel better off now than they were 3 years ago. How do you convince them we're headed in the right direction?"

OBAMA: "Well, look there's no doubt that we've gone through the toughest economic situation that we've seen since the Great Depression. I think the vast majority of people understand that this is something that we inherited and that when I came into office we'd already lost 4 million jobs and the few months after I got sworn in we lost another 4 million. We've created 2 million jobs, over 2 million jobs in the private sector over the last 15 months, the problem is that we got in such a big hole right at the start there in 2009 and we're still digging our way back. But what I think the American people want to know is there's a game plan for the future and what we've said is, if we're getting our fiscal house in order, if we're investing in the infrastructure of the future, not just roads and bridges but also broadband lines and a smart grid that makes sure that we don't waste energy, if we're developing a clean-energy and alternative energy future for ourselves so that we're not dependent on foreign oil, if we're making sure that every one of our kids is the best educated in the world so that they can compete in this new world economy, if we take those basic steps, I'm absolutely confident that America's going to not just bounce back but we'll be stronger than ever, what people want to know is that we're moving in the right direction even if they're frustrated with how fast we're moving, we need to speed it up but I think the trajectory's a good one."

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