Friday, July 22, 2011

St. Louis Cookie Stand Lawsuit Goes to Court

by Bob McCarty

Remember the story of sisters Caitlin and Abigail Mills, the St. Louis-area girls who were told to close their cookie stand by local bureaucrats who insisted they were violating city ordinances? Well, the girls — 16 and 14, respectively — are back in the news and headed to court.

On Thursday morning, according to attorneys Dave and Jenifer Roland at the Freedom Center of Missouri, St. Louis County Judge Maura McShane will hear arguments on Hazelwood’s motion to have the Mills’ cookie stand case thrown out.

I reported the basics of the case in a post April 8:

Each February and March for the past six years, Caitlin Mills, 16, and Abigail Mills, 14, have put a card table in front of their home in Hazelwood, Mo., and sold Girl Scout cookies to drivers passing by. This year, however, the city of Hazelwood notified their mother, Carolyn Mills, that the girls’ cookie stand violated city ordinances and must be shut down.

Despite much national media attention, including coverage at Andrew Breitbart’s, city officials have, according to the Mills’ attorneys, “dug in their heels.”

In a media advisory today, the Rolands said the City of Hazelwood “has enlisted four high-priced attorneys to fight to ensure the government’s power to prohibit these icons of American childhood, and those attorneys have asked the court to dismiss the Mills family’s case.”

Check back Thursday afternoon for an update about this case.

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