Friday, July 15, 2011

This is what entitlement mentality has wrought

Bruce Krasting over at ZeroHedge describes a minor dust-up at an Independence Day picnic. Over various entitlements. Seems everyone there had a dog in the hunt, and it got ugly. Truly ironic: Americans, celebrating Independence Day, fighting over their favorite entitlements. Must read.

The Krasting piece was mentioned in Charles Hugh Smith's The Promises That Cannot Be Kept:

Krasting brilliantly depicts the net result, which I call internecine conflict between protected fiefdoms in Survival+: the constituency of each fiefdom--Social Security, Medicare, Defense, etc.-- will undermine the other fiefdoms to maintain their slice of the dwindling Federal pie. This leads to a profound political disunity which cannot be overcome with compromises, as that would require deep cuts in all government programs.

Another must-read, Smith explains why we're just going to have to deal with the end of entitlement insanity.

This is what our "friends" in government have given us: a tantrum-throwing and deeply-divided population, each segment wanting to preserve its slice of the entitlement pie, everyone else be damned.

If you think this can be fixed, you're mistaken.

If you think we can postpone economic judgement day, you're mistaken. Economic forces must balance, and when that happens there will be collateral damage.

Get ready for the FSA shitstorm. It's coming.

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