Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who wants a Gunwalker T-Shirt?

UPDATE 2: I've added Small and Medium ($15). We have met the minimum number for this, so I will be off to the silk screener this morning. Since there is a lag time while the screen is made and he gets the order into rotation, you still have time to order. Don't miss out on what looks to be the official shirt of the Gunwalker scandal!

UPDATE: 3XL size added. Cost is $18

In the comments of John Richardson’s post detailing how the ATF was also smuggling guns into Honduras, I said

Am I the only person on the planet that didn't get guns from the ATF?

Apparently David Codrea, one of the two original reporters (and a great blogger) who uncovered the Gunwalker scandal, thought it was hilarious. He wants it made into a t-shirt.

So here’s the deal. I spoke with my local screen printer. He has a minimum order of 30 shirts. We can get them fully screen printed, black shirt, white AK-47 and lettering for $15 each. So for $15 plus $5 shipping and handling ($17 for XXL), you can have what will probably be the official shirt of Gunwalker.

All proceeds (if there are any) will go straight into my “Buy Sean a Kriss Vector” fund. If we get enough orders I will send a free shirt to David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh (the other original reporter/blogger) and Representative Issa.

Who’s in?

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