Monday, July 11, 2011

Worst. President. Ever.: This chart explains it well

For all of the drones out there suffering from Bush Tourette's Syndrome*, I present -- courtesy the Office of Management and Budget -- the only chart you need.

It turns out that the unemployment situation is so dire -- despite trillions in wealth redistribution -- that even the far left Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) has launched an organized attack on President Obama.

Black unemployment today continued to hover at a near record high of 16.2 percent, according to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor... The rate is near the highest rate recorded for blacks during President Obama's tenure... The black unemployment rate for June was 16.2 percent, the same as the May rate. The May rate was up from April's 16.1 percent, which was the largest increase since November's 16 percent.

On Thursday, members of the Congressional Black Caucus assailed Obama for his handling of the rising black unemployment rate.

"Can you imagine a situation where any other group of workers, if 34 percent of white women were out there looking for work and couldn't find it?" asked Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, the Democratic chairman of the caucus. "You would see congressional hearings and community gatherings. There would be rallies and protest marches. There is no way that this would be allowed to stand."

Not to mention what would have happened had there been a Republican President in office. Jesse, Al and a cadre of other crackpots -- possibly consisting of NYT reporters -- would be marching on Washington demanding something or other.

* You know: "It was Bush's fault! Bush! Bush! Bush did it! And Cheney! And Bush! And Lee Harvey Oswald! And Bush!"

Update: The Disappearing Black Middle Class

1 comment:

  1. Did anyone notice the trend from 1992 to 2000. During the Clinton years the deficit not only decreased, we had a surplus. Evan Reagan (1980 - 1988) increased the deficit.

    Maybe Clinton was the best President ever!
