Thursday, August 4, 2011

China & Russia: "America too Socialist"

Comrades, it warmed my heart to hear our brethren in Russia and China criticizing the United States for being too socialist. Is there a greater compliment to be had? The Obama regime since day 1 has been rapidly implementing a new and exciting socialist agenda; and our Chinese and Russian comrades have noticed. They are now making their glorious voices heard....

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said two days ago that the U.S. is in a way “leeching on the world economy.”

China, the largest foreign investor in U.S. government securities, joined Russia in criticizing American policy makers for failing to ensure borrowing is reined in after a stopgap deal to raise the nation’s debt limit.
I must say, Vladimir Putin doesn't hold back, he is very proud of our progressive-socialist economic policies.

“They are living beyond their means and transferring part of the problems onto the world economy,” Putin told a youth camp at Lake Seliger
I'm glad comrade Putin is informing the progressive youth of Russia about the new socialist America. On another note, I was very pleased to see how much communist China actually owns of the U.S. debt, which must mean they are really close friends of ours!

China held $1.16 trillion of Treasuries as of May, U.S. Treasury Department data show.
China also had some tough words for the Republicans!....

Xinhua commentary on clashes between Republicans and Democrats said that “the ugliest part of the saga is that the well-being of many other countries is also in the impact zone when the donkey and the elephant fight,”
Stupid ugly elephants! Contributing to global warming and trying to ruin the new socialist America, they make me sick. In conclusion, these critiques from our communist brethren in China and Russia should be taken with a badge of honor. We are so close to being full blown glorious communists, that the real communists are starting to take notice!

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