Friday, August 5, 2011

Dow Down 500: Should Obama Resign?

The worldwide market plunge since the signing of the U.S. debt agreement tells us one thing above all: Almost no one on the planet has confidence in the leadership of Barack Obama.

A CEO with such a disastrous first three years as our president has had probably would already have been called upon to resign or been pushed out by his company’s board of directors — more than likely for some time.

Obama has failed in virtually every direction, foreign and domestic. His policies indeed are almost non-existent. He is completely rudderless, unless you accept the view that he is following the prescription of Cloward-Piven and has set out to destroy American capitalism from within.

If that is so — and I don’t really accept it for a variety of reasons — he has failed even at that, because his reelection becomes less likely with every passing day. A Cloward-Piven strategy could not be successful in only four years. America is far too strong for that. In the case of Obama, his policies are leading to something quite the opposite — an epic disaster for the Democratic Party and (modern) liberalism in 2012.

Not that we wont have plenty of pain along the way. We may even be in a full-scale Depression or close to it. And coming back will be far from easy in a world where Iran is running OPEC and the EPA acts as if The Silent Spring is The Gospel According to Mark.

Nevertheless, Obama is ensuring his own failure. Should he resign? If you were a Democrat, you might want that, even with daffy Joe Biden waiting in the wings. Better yet, you would want Obama, in the grand tradition of LBJ, to decline a second term. No such luck. The man is evidently an (increasingly) bitter clinger, as he indicated at a Chicago fundraiser on Wednesday night:

It’s been a long, tough journey. But we have made some incredible strides together. Yes, we have. But the thing that we all ought to remember is that as much as good as we have done, precisely because the challenges were so daunting, precisely because we we were inheriting so many challenges, that we’re not even halfway there yet. When I said ‘change we can believe in’ I didn’t say ‘change we can believe in tomorrow.’ Not change we can believe in next week. We knew this was going to take time because we’ve got this big, messy, tough democracy.

It’s been a long, tough journey all right — something like having root canal work that never ends and without anesthesia. I don’t know what “incredible strides” Obama is referring to. Perhaps his heath care legislation whose contents are a greater mystery than the meat they used to serve in my freshman dormitory. Or maybe he’s referring to the assassination of Bin Laden, an act any American president — in fact, any reasonably patriotic American citizen — would have ratified in an instant for fear of impeachment if he did otherwise.

No wonder he is still clinging (that word again) to the preternaturally vague rhetoric of “change you can believe in.” Ironically, this masterstroke of doublespeak perfectly reflects Obama’s thinking. It can be anything. There is no there there. Yet he continues, even though at this point it’s almost comically absurd, to mouth this nonsensical slogan. What else can he do? Run on his record? Speak about actual change? Point to genuine plans?

As I finish writing this, the Dow Industrials have just closed down over 500 points. Meaningless money for rich people, some would think. Of course, it’s not. It’s every pension fund in America; it’s the fabric of our country, the ability for us to grow, feed ourselves and our children — especially our children.

A big part of me wishes that Barack Obama would just resign now, but I have no interest in giving even the slightest breath to “liberal” policies. They need to be extinguished, at the very least until society could even remotely afford them again. And that won’t be for a long time. A long, long time.


by Roger L Simon

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