Monday, August 1, 2011
Interpreting The Lies
Interpreting The Lies
© 2011 by Anthony James
The last article I wrote, “Forewarned Is Forearmed,” cautioned America’s voters to view askance or, better still, completely disregard the vitriolic attacks which will come from the left, the Rinos, and the Palin Derangement Syndrome crowd as the elections of 2012 draw nearer. As an example of the sort of silliness we can expect from those who we have denied, or will shortly deny the reins of power, John McCain took the floor of the Senate the other day and joined the rising chorus of sour grapes losers in excoriating The Tea Party.
There have been numerous attacks recently on The Tea Party as the current manufactured financial crisis has come to a head. It is signal that those who have recently been blaming The Tea Party for what they refer to as, “draconian” or “extremist” views as to what is and is not acceptable in the current debate are the very scoundrels who are in fact at fault that we are even in this position to begin with.
One of the constitutionally mandated jobs of Congress is to produce and pass an annual budget for the federal government. Because the 2010 elections loomed large on the horizon, the Democrat led Congress failed to pass any budget for the last 800 days; a direct abdication of their constitutional obligation. Because the House and the Senate only operate under “rules”and not “laws,”this failure to perform their sworn duties is not criminal. It should be.
Due to the catastrophic failure of the Obama administration’s attempts to deal with the financial tailspin America has been in since the Democrats seized power in Congress (and with it, the Nation’s “purse strings”) back in 2006, our representatives and senators were aware that any budget passed which would be seen as responsibly addressing the financial problems we faced would have to contain significant cuts in the growth of certain spending. Aware that their political foes would use these cuts as levers to prevent their being reelected, in order to preserve their jobs as best they could, they simply did nothing. Again, this should be criminal.
Their flagrant refusal to perform the duties they were elected to accomplish is in fact what created this crisis. Rather than “man up” and accept responsibility for this situation, they decided to “strawman up”and blame The Tea Party. This cynical deceit has not gone unnoticed, but I decided to write about it anyway, just to drive home the point. These vermin do not deserve the offices they hold, they do not deserve the trust of the American people, and they do not deserve the votes of the American electorate.
America basically knows that we will either modify Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in order to preserve the bulk of their services well into the future, or there will be no Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to even worry about. The sad truth is that the “cuts” our elected weasels are afraid to make aren’t even cuts at all. They are reductions in the proposed increases of these services, not actual cuts to the level of services being received now. To pretend that this will cause Granny to die of starvation, or keep Aunt Edna from getting hed blood pressure medication is the height (depth?) of alarmist propaganda. We deserve better from the adults we put at the table to sort this stuff out. Those same adults should be sent from the table if this is how they insist on behaving. That’s why we have elections.
Those who blame The Tea Party are cynical, opportunistic, usurious self promoters who care more about their grasp on the reins of power than they do what is best for America. One big problem they have is in convincing the American electorate that The Tea Party is in any way at fault for the situation we face. Their problem lies in the fact that America is The Tea Party. They are trying to convince us that we are to blame for the problems they caused, and hence, we should not trust us. Good luck with that, vermin.
In a recent article I wrote exposing the lie of “The Wall Of Separation Between Church and State” (Establishment Clause Deciphered”) were the following paragraphs:
The Tea Party rallies across America speak of an awakened electorate, newly attentive to the shenanigans taking place within the Beltway and beyond. Never in my lifetime has the political mood and climate been so focused. As we tighten our grasp on the fact that our judges, legislators, and president only legitimately govern with the consent of the governed, we must also remain aware of this most insidious truth.
D.C. is now run virtually exclusively by liberal “Progressives.” Progressives frequently use terms and descriptions which are the exact opposite of their intent. This is no accident. It is a despicable ploy used to confuse the general public, and to lay down a smokescreen designed to hide their actual agenda. For instance, if a group of liberals (Progressives) want to create an organization that encourages women to abort their unborn children, and assist them in the brutal destruction of this most sacred parental bond, they might call it “Planned Parenthood.”
We can no longer afford to let the extremists define the agenda, or allow the lunatics to run the asylum. When and where we catch the deceivers trying to pull a fast one, we must let it be known that we see through their disingenuous canard, and will no longer stand for it.
This is an excellent reminder of the level of skullduggery and patent dishonesty that we can expect from the powers that be. If they had their way, they would convince us that the Republicans sweep of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election is “old news,” and America is on a ‘whole new track’ now. The Tea Party? Why, they are just a rapidly shrinking group of mean, out of touch extremists who nobody should pay attention to, least of all the elected officials they sent to Washington to represent them. Yeah right.
These hysterical screechings are only going to become more common, more venomous, and more ridiculously far-fetched as 2012 draws nearer. For if there is a repeat of The Tea Party-led tidal wave which sweeps more of the House, the bulk of 22 Democrat senators (all of whom are up for reelection in 2012), and the White House, the reins of power will shift from the two-party Old Boy Network kabuki theater into the hands of We The People for actually the first time in our lifetimes.
So when The Old Guard, Democrat or Republican– it makes no difference–gets up on their soap boxes in the coming months to warn all of us about how dangerous it would be to allow more control of our government to be held by candidates supported by The Tea Party, and when they shriek that it would mean the end of life as we know it, just know this: what they are really worried about is the end of life as they know it.
And that’s a very good thing.
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