This morning Jeffrey Anderson noted that the latest Rasmussen poll had a couple interesting things to say about Obamacare. First, the voting public wants it gone — not just partially gone or mostly gone, but erased from the very fabric of space and time like a cupcake after a two-week Michael Moore fast. Second, independent voters want Obamacare repealed more than Republican voters.
So of course the new GOP jobs plan includes not a single mention of Obamacare, because why would repealing a multi-trillion dollar taxation and regulatory plan that hoovers money from Medicare, employers, and employees that almost singlehandedly killed job creation when it passed in 2010 ever be considered job stimulus? That’s just crazy talk, right?
Don’t get me wrong. The GOP jobs plan is solid, if not exactly spectacular. It will help, if the party pushes it hard enough and gets it past Congress. But…
But…Obamacare is still there and so long as it is, nothing the Republicans do on jobs will matter much because all their solutions are small in comparison. Clearly, it’s a winning issue, not just because America wants to be rid of it but also because it puts the President in an extremely uncomfortable position. Let me turn this part over to Ace.
Here’s a Question: Is there any one-sentence legislation that can do the following?:
1. Reduce the uncertainty and fear factor among businesses, and hence stimulate the economy
2. Save a trillion in spending
3. Add a half-trillion to Medicare without costing the taxpayers a dime
I know one. Repealing ObamaCare.
If this SCOAMF wants a “stimulus” — thus putting our must-have (lower spending) in question — then let us return that favor in kind and put his must-have in question.
You know why the Republicans suffered in the debt debate? Because the argument was always about how we wouldn’t give on our top-priority items of keeping taxes low and cutting spending.
The argument was never about getting into the Democrats’ top agenda items.
Now, if the Democrats and Obama balk at helping the economy over an unpopular law that only 40% (at most) of the public supports, whose fault is that?
But you can’t have this happen unless you frigging ask.
Now, Obama won’t agree to this. He’ll destroy his presidency before he repeals his Big F’n’ Deal.
Then let him.
That level of public support, by the way, is down to 25 percent, according to Rasmussen. That means three-quarters of the country at least somewhat wants Obamacare repealed. I can not imagine the President will stand strong against 75 percent of the American public, not when that pressure is brought against him every single day, from as many different directions as the Republicans can devise.
And here’s the best part. We on the right already know what the Democrats’ defense of Obamacare will be. We heard all the demagoguery when they shoved the bill down our throats. We’ve seen their talking points and I’ll bet you a box of Krispy Kreme donuts (soon to be illegal thanks to some obscure section of Obamacare, I’m sure) that they won’t have a single new one. Do these sound familiar?
Republicans want to drive up the cost of health care.
Republicans want to put you in the hands of uncaring corporate drones.
Republicans want old people to die early.
Republicans want health care chaos.
We heard them before and we’ll hear them again, because the Democrats believe they worked two years ago. That’s not just arrogance on their part. Republicans gave them reason to believe their arguments worked because they still haven’t mounted a credible effort to repeal the odious law.
But since we know their avenues of attack, we can devise an effective counter. As it happens, I believe I have one that will work.
When the attacks come, and they will in the predictable way at the predictable volume and with the predictable amount of spittle and invective behind them, whatever Republican is on the receiving end should absorb them with grace and calm, then turn to the camera, pause for a second, and say:
“Folks, you know what what my Democrat friend just said is not true. You knew it when they pushed the bill past our opposition and against your will. You don’t want Obamacare and I don’t want anyone to have to live with it, so we Republicans and as many Democrats who still believe they ought to listen to you are going to get it out of your way.”
That is a winner. The GOP doesn’t need to get back into the muck with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. There is no need to quibble over some buried Obamacare detail. This is not an argument about merit — it never was. This is a battle over whether our Congress governs with the consent of the people or if a willful majority can do whatever it wants whenever it wants to whatever degree it wants.
It’s also a battle for jobs, freedom, and the continued health of the economy will only be won once Obamacare has been tossed in the dumpster along with the rest of the trash.
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