Friday, August 26, 2011

The Ulsterman Report: President Obama Places "N*gger" Painting in White House

In a move clearly supporting the dire warnings of a Barack Obama race-based re-election campaign, President Obama places just outside the Oval Office perhaps the most controversial painting to ever reside within the White House.

As he prepares to give a Martin Luther King memorial speech this weekend that D.C. insiders are already calling a move to further ignite the white guilt strategy that worked so well for them in 2008, the Obama administration too a further and perhaps even more stunning step in re-igniting old racial wounds across America. This week it became known that Obama had placed in a hall just outside the Oval Office the highly controversial Norman Rockwell painting named “The Problem We All Live With” – a searing depiction of the 1960 integration controversy that swept the country at that time.

That painting shows a then six-year old African American Ruby Bridges being escorted into a New Orleans elementary school by federal authorities despite strong opposition by white locals. The painting has the term “Nigger” as one of the primary focal points. It was his use of that term that has made the painting among the most controversial of Rockwell’s normally more historically serene depictions of Americana. The president’s use of this painting also coincides with a particularly aggressive attack by many leading Democrats against the Tea Party where the charges of racism against Tea Party members appears to be the most common tactic.

The fact Barack Obama would utilize such an openly controversial painting just outside the Oval Office, in conjunction with this weekend’s Martin Luther King memorial speech, is yet further proof of an administration quite willing to even more further utilize the issue of race politics in the upcoming 2012 re-election campaign than was done in 2008. It should also be noted that Barack Obama himself is not African American.

That reality is apparently of little concern to the Obama administration as it prepares to unleash its 2012 re-election race campaign.


“Even if it means the threat of race riots. They are willing to go that far – go down that road if need be. If the Obama team can’t guilt enough of White America into voting for them in 2012 – they are just fine with trying to scare the sh-t out of them to do it.” -INSIDER

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