Wednesday, August 10, 2011

World Is Noticing Stephen Harper

There have been times that Canada and the United States stood apart, not seeing eye-to-eye on some issues or simply choosing different paths. Almost always these rare moments in our history have occurred with a Republican in the White House and a Liberal Canadian P.M. Nixon calling then-P.M. Pierre Trudeau, who was about as left wing as you can get without falling off the spectrum, an 'asshole' on his private tapes is a classic.

How unique it is then to witness what is currently unfolding. Canada and America are certainly on different paths today. Barack Obama in the White House in the midst of implementing a nanny-state program as well as redefining American foreign policy to that of contrite weakness, even going so far as to put the American-Israeli friendship in danger.

In the Great White North, Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper is going after illegal immigrants and known war criminals inside our borders (something unheard of here), has turfed a bloated and ineffective long gun registry, and is exhibiting nothing short of true gumption and courage by going against the current global wave of anti-Semitism by reaffirming our nation's commitment to the Jewish state on the international stage.

It appears others agree with my claim that Stephen Harper has lifted Canada's international image to one of strength and righteous resolve. Writer Jordan Michael Smith at The Tablet has a super take on the issue. Smith writes:

"As prime minister, Harper has transformed Canadian foreign policy toward Israel and the Middle East. Abandoning Canada’s longstanding posture of even-handedness in the Arab-Israeli conflict, the country has become arguably the most pro-Israel country in the world. From being the first world leader to cut off funds to the Palestinian Authority in 2006 when it was taken over by Hamas, to speaking out against growing global anti-Semitism, Harper has embraced Israel as has no Canadian leader before him. “It is hard to find a country friendlier to Israel than Canada these days,” gushed Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, in 2010. “No other country in the world has demonstrated such a full understanding of us.”

read the complete article here -

(h/t Dana Schwartz, The Rosen Group)

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