Friday, September 30, 2011

Obama the Great Divider

September 26, 2011 Posted by Tim Ross

According to the latest Rasmussen poll, 75% of the country believes America is headed in the wrong direction. Our nation is clearly in turmoil and there is no way Obama can run on his record. So what is his strategy to win re-election? It appears he’s taking a two pronged approach: class warfare and race warfare.

Clearly, Obama has been trying to pit the “poor” against the “wealthy” for some time. Prior to his election in 2008, Obama told Joe the Plumber that he thinks we should “spread the wealth around.” In 2009, he was determined not to allow “a serious crisis to go to waste” and exploited the public’s insecurities to enact the largest Keynesian stimulus in recorded history, followed by the quasi-nationalization of one-sixth of the economy that is health care. In 2010, Obama presided over the greatest Republican midterm election since 1938, but it didn’t stop him from signaling his intention to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans because they need “pay their fair share.” By 2011, Obama’s nemesis had switched from the insurance industry to “billionaire corporate jet owners,” a mantra that was heard in nearly every speaking event and speech given by Obama in the last year.

Part of Obama’s re-election strategy is to turn up the heat on the class warfare. In searching for Obama’s mantra, “billionaire corporate jet owners,” on Google, it found over 8,600,000 search results. That is an uptick in search results by 7,700,000 in just the last year. So, the heat is on.

The analysis is that Obama provides a false choice to the American people between millionaires, billionaires, corporate jet owners, hedge fund managers, oil & gas companies and medical researchers, food safety inspectors, teachers, weathermen & seniors. And every time he gives this same tired speech, it becomes more apparent that he is trying to define the “haves” and the “have nots” in America and drive a wedge between them. People in this country, by and large, believe in the American dream – they believe in being a “have” – and Obama simply continues to vilify and admonish the very people the majority of Americans admire and respect. Ultimately, Obama is not seen as a unifier, Obama is a seen for exactly what he is… a divider.

Unfortunately for Obama, it isn’t only his unjust demonization of the “wealthy” that is hurting him, there are also those stubborn little things called facts. And the facts say that 51% of Americans pay ZERO federal taxes and that the wealthiest 10% of Americans earn about 33% of all the income in the U.S. and pay over 71% of all federal tax revenue. Furthermore, Americans are not duped by Obama’s latest crusade that “middle-class” families pay a higher tax rate than “millionaires and billionaires.” His “Buffet Rule” is supposed to raise taxes on the “wealthiest” Americans, but what it really does is raise taxes on capital gains – money earned from further investing after a person is initially taxed – and this would affect not only the “wealthiest” Americans, but also those folks who have their retirement tied up in their home, or the “middle-class” American who has money in the stock market as part of their retirement portfolio. And not only would this negatively affect all Americans who have any type of investment, but it would discourage those from further investing because the down side is losing it all and the upside is possibly receiving a tax bill for up to 50% on earnings? It just doesn’t make any sense.

Aside from Obama’s rhetoric clashing with facts, it is difficult for him to be a “class warrior.” No class warrior worth their salt takes lavish vacations in Martha’s Vineyard, golfs more than any President in history, wears thousands of dollars in designer clothes and jewelry, eats $35,000 a plate meals, and hangs out with billionaire corporate jet owners like Warren Buffet & Jeffrey Immelt. He just lacks the moral authority and it is reflected in the polls. Since taking office, his approval rating has dropped from 65.4% (Feb. 2009) to 42.9% (Sept. 2011). That is a whopping 22.5 point drop.

So what does a President do when he can’t run on his record AND his divisive class warfare tactics fail? Well, if you’re Barack Obama, you wage the “race war.”

Unlike Obama’s 2008 brand of uniting “red and blue America” where he presented himself as a politician who could transcend traditional divisions, he’s lost the Jewish voting bloc, he’s losing the Hispanic voting bloc, and even his most loyal voters – the black voting bloc – are beginning to get tired as they continue to experience unemployment double the national average at 16.7%. In a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, it showed Obama’s “strongly favorable” ratings among black Americans dropped from 83% to 58% in just five short months.

To counter his losses, Obama has established “Operation Vote,” a community organizing effort designed to reach various ethnic, racial and other voter groups. It will coordinate recruitment of an ethnic volunteer base and push out targeted messages online and through the media to groups such as blacks, Hispanics, Jews, women, seniors, young people, gays and Asian Americans.

Because Obama has lost so many white independent voters, he must have minorities turn out to vote on his behalf in greater numbers than ever before. Operation Vote concentrates its efforts on pitting “minorities” against the “whites.” And it is already starting with inciting “blacks” against the “whites.”

At the Congressional Black Caucus annual awards dinner in Washington DC this weekend, Obama gave a speech to cheering black Americans saying he needs their help to fight and for them to “take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes.”

Marching shoes? Fighting? Is that violent rhetoric? It sure does sound like warfare. Well, that’s because it is… race warfare.

One leader in the black community, Rev. Al Sharpton, immediately came to Obama’s aid and stated, “[Obama] said this is what I’ve done, and it helps blacks and helps the county and now let’s get to work… It’s important to remind people who may be discouraged, don’t compare him to the Almighty, compare him to the alternative.” Apparently, the Reverend has a crystal ball, because nobody knows who the “alternative” is yet. Regardless, Obama has drawn a line in the sand and leaders in the black community are supporting him in rallying the black voting bloc.

It must be working because beloved American actor Morgan Freeman was recently on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight where turned the rhetoric up a notch. “[The Tea Party and Republicans] stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term… What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw the country. We’re going to whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.’ It’s a racist thing.”

A racist thing?

Perhaps Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton and Morgan Freeman might want to take a look at who recently won the Florida straw vote – the same poll that Reagan, Bush and Dole each won. Surprise, it was a black American! Herman Cain, the former chairman and CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, won roughly 37% of the vote, compared to 15% for Texas Governor Rick Perry and 14% for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

So, if it only has to do with race, Morgan, why do Republicans and Tea Party members want to replace a half black American with a full black American? It doesn’t make sense. Herman Cain responded to Morgan Freeman’s comments by suggesting that Morgan Freeman has never been to a Tea Party rally and “No, I’m not offended by it. I just, I just think that it is sad that they’re so short-sighted in really understanding what the whole Tea Party citizen movement is all about. I’m not offended by it, because it doesn’t slow down my momentum. It doesn’t slow down the reaction that I get from people. They know that I bring my message from the heart and the head, and they’re responding to it. So, name calling is something that’s going to continue in this because they don’t know how to stop this movement. And this movement is making a big difference in politics, because a lot of the traditional Democrats are moving to the center or moving over to vote for conservatives. They’re taking another look at a Herman Cain.”

And as Obama and company work toward rallying blacks into a race war and dividing the country even further, let us not forget that this is the same Democrat Party that voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the 13th Amendment banning slavery. It is the same Democrat Party that voted for the Jim Crow laws and for segregation all throughout the 20th century. It is the same Democrat Party that elected former Klansman Robert Byrd to the Senate year after year after year and we would still be there if he didn’t die last year. This is the same Democrat Party that has former Klansman John Paul Rogers currently running for mayor of Lake Wales, Florida.

So, as the 2012 election unfolds, be sure to take note of Obama’s two pronged approach of dividing this country between wealth and race. And don’t be surprised if America continues to see this country headed in the wrong direction and Obama’s polling numbers continue to drop. Furthermore, don’t be surprised when a Republican – black, white or whatever – is sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2013.

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