Monday, September 26, 2011

Operation Voter Fraud 2012:

By John Hill on September 25, 2011

Sneaking it in late on a Friday afternoon on a very busy news day, the U.S. Department of Justice quietly told the Texas Secretary of State that the state’s Voter ID law – passed this past Spring – “lacked enough information for the government to render a decision.”

More specifically, the DoJ wants more information about the “group of 605,576 registered voters who do not possess a valid ID”. What kind of information? Why ethnic information, of course. But curiously they only seem interested in Hispanic would-be voters…

The department specifically asks the state to identify how many members of that group have Spanish surnames, which counties they reside in and an estimated number by race. The DOJ also requests the Secretary of State provide the number of registered voters in Texas with a Spanish surname who currently possess a legal form of identification.

Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act gives the U.S. Department of Justice or the federal courts the authority to review laws that would affect voter participation before they are enacted. And the DoJ is vigorously using that authority to harass states who have passed Voter ID laws, having already taken on provisions in Arizona and South Carolina, in a clear effort to bury them before the 2012 elections.

As Roger Hedgecock proved in his shocking report from the 2010 midterms in California, the Democrat Party is very organized in their voter fraud efforts, registering illegal aliens and felons to vote using “Moter Voter”, and then using shill voters to vote in their name come election time. In addition, at least 5,000 illegal aliens were able to vote in Colorado in 2010, and untold additional thousands nationwide. Voter ID would put a STOP to illegal alien voters. And the Democrats cannot allow that to happen.

Top Democrats like DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz – who attacked the GOP for “wanting to make being an illegal alien a crime” - have made no secret of their fear of these laws. And they have tried to scare minority groups by hysterically comparing Voter ID to racist ”Jim Crow” laws from long ago…

What a disgraceful insult to compare legal Blacks to ILLEGAL invaders.

But this week came news that will really scare race-baiters like Schultz:

Among Hispanics, Strong Support for Voter ID

Hispanic voters in three states were asked the following question: “As you may have heard, many states are considering laws that would require registered voters to present photo identification, such as a driver’s license, in order to cast their vote. Do you support or oppose those laws?”

In Florida, 88 percent of those surveyed said they support the laws, while just ten percent oppose them. In Colorado 71 percent support the law, while 26 percent oppose, and in New Mexico, 73 percent support the law, while 25 percent oppose.

UH, OH! What will Debbie, Obama and Holder do now? Race-bait Hispanics on Voter ID when three-quarters of them support it?

Good luck with that folks. Meanwhile, Stand With Arizona and its allies will continue to press 22 state legislatures this fall to enact strong Voter ID laws this fall, just in time for 2012.

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