Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This is What the National Council of Churches Wants YOU to Hear on Sunday, 9/11/11

Posted on Wednesday September 07, 07:50:31 GMT-0400 2011 by piperpilot

I am scheduled to be a reader at my church this Sunday on the Tenth anniversary of 9/11. Yesterday, the minister sent me the special 9/11 reading that was prepared by the National Council of Churches for parishioners to hear. While most of it was fine, there are some prayers that are appalling to any right-thinking Christian and deserve to be publicized for their stunning example of moral relativism and anti-Biblical message.

"We stand together in penitence, recognizing that we have not done enough to address the sources of anger, hate, dehumanization, rage and indignation that lead to acts of violence."

"In our sadness, horror and shock we acknowledge that our own fears turned murderous and we have sough revenge, sometimes even against the innocent."

"We confess and regret our own anger and recognize its dangers to our spirits, our health, our community and others."

"In striving for national security and domestic peace we run the risk of confusing might for right and participating in the very behaviors we condemn."

"Guard and guide our country that in our search for security we may not trample the rights of the innocent nor disregard the rule of law. Repentence means to turn away from wrong deeds. Repentence means choosing instead deeds which require moral restraint, and are more beneficial to all persons who suffer."

"We place fresh confidence in international organizations and conversations that bring the diverse gifts of the world to the problems of poverty, injustice, terror and strife."

"We dare to hope for an era yet to come in which the violence, greed, the ambitions of power, and cultural, racial and religious bigotries are but memories of a dim and unenlightened past."

"We pray in the strong name of the Prince of Peace."

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