Monday, September 26, 2011

The Unattainable Illusion Never Changed


Posted on 9/25/2011 10:18:45 PM by Razzz42

Things out there in the real world are getting pretty bad. The illusion of Marxism that handed the power to government to intervene and manipulate the people to control the economy is crumbling before our eyes falling to nothing but dust. This turn for the worst is being caused by a collapse in in government. The polls show we are approaching two-thirds of Americans don’t even trust government any more. This feeling is rising mutually on a global scale. While it is true that the Austrian School of Economics at least recognizes that there is a Business Cycle and “mainstream” economics calls trying to measure the Business Cycle numerology because they are closet Marxists who believe the economy can be manipulated, my work is squarely between these two schools with the former at least acknowledging there is a Business Cycle and the other stuck in a state of denial clinging to their Unattainable Illusion...This is what is collapsing. Years of manipulation by intervention and over-regulation is now coming back to tear everything apart at the seams. They refuse to listen. You cannot force capital to flow to unprofitable regions any more than you can force water to flow up instead of down... (Excerpt)

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