Monday, October 31, 2011

Liberals Create Video In Which They Violently Murder "Republicans" (Warning, Graphic)

Posted by Aurelius at 3:17 PM

No one believes liberals' claims they are "civil" and that Republicans are not. No one ever did.

Once again showing that their accusations are baseless, a group of liberals have created "Republican Zombie Defense." To explain their site (which slams Republicans and sells merchandise), they have created a video.

The video begins, "They're out there! Lurking, hungry to seize control! Brain-dead zombies: Republicans!" And within 15 seconds, viewers are welcomed to images like this:

But have no fear, there are Democrats who will rip the heads of Republicans off of their bodies:

And after a quick discussion about Health Care, Democrats shoot a Republican with an automatic weapon:

Then, after a blond says, "Ban divorce for straight people," she chainsaws a Republican:

While laughing hysterically:

After this, a "Latino" man (a Democrat) takes a Republican's head off with a baseball bat:

After this, a racist stereotype blows up a woman with a grenade, then happily holds up her internal organs, screaming, "Oh yes, we can:"

They then plug their merchandise.

To put it simply, this is one of the most racist, violent, and vile video I have ever seen.

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