Saturday, October 15, 2011

Liberate Wall Street

Infiltrate and Humiliate!

In the glorious spirit of erstwhile Protest Warriors and Communists for Kerry, disorganized multitudes of pro-capitalist miscreants and saboteurs are getting organized again! Meet Liberate Wall Street - a loose coalition of the willing to mock, satirize, and expose the leftist absurdities of the Wall Street Occupussies.

The Occupussies demand free lunch in exchange for a total Big Government takeover of their lives. That would have been funny if that didn't involve the takeover of everyone else's lives as well - including yours and mine. They are too misguided and too misinformed to realize that "A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have." Their favorite politicians, celebrities, teachers, and mass media are on their side and that doesn't help.

So let's help them to start thinking. OK, the thinking part may not happen right away, but we could plant sound seeds that may later sprout in their polluted brains. And if that fails, at least we'll kick some hot air out of their enormously inflated egos and have fun in the process.

Join the Facebook page, crash the Occupussies in your local areas, take pictures of your actions, make videos, and post them below on this thread.
Read the Liberators' Facebook statement:

As you all may have seen over the last number of weeks, the seditious Left is attempting to strike at the heart of Capitalism itself - Wall Street! We can no longer stand idly by while these radicals attempt to collapse our free market system. Using the left's own playbook - Rules For Radicals, we will "Infiltrate and Humiliate" the Marxist hoards.

We will NOT reveal ourselves. We will NOT have a website. We will not have any visible leaders. Our goal is to humiliate and embarrass. We will sow the seeds of paranoia and doubt among the left. We will expose them for the fools they are. Our plan is simple: Infiltrate and Humiliate.

With this in mind, General Secretary and I have prepared a number of simple black-and-white PDF signs that you can download (below) and print in any size at home or at your local print shop. You may as well think of your own signs, or reproduce ours with markers on a poster board. We can always add more later.

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