Friday, October 28, 2011

Occupy Portland's Website Occupied, $20K Goes Missing

Looks like some troublemakers are redistributing the wealth. Definitely going to be some down twinkles for that.

Savor the irony.
Organizers of Occupy Portland say they fear as much as $20,000 donated to the group through a PayPal account has disappeared.

They also say the group's finance committee has hijacked the demonstration's Internet domain name and filed for incorporation against the wishes of the group's decision-making body.

The demonstrator who filed the papers with the state said she did so to protect the protest, and she has received death threats as a result.
Theft, hacking and death threats. All in a day's work for these chumps.
The rift arose before members of the movement joined labor union supporters Wednesday to march through downtown Portland during rush hour. The peaceful rally drew about 1,000 people, but caused few traffic disruptions as protesters repeated their mantra: "We are the 99 percent!"

Half a dozen speakers praised the occupation and urged the group to keep fighting. Marchers included children and dogs, babies in strollers and people on bikes.
Are dogs, babies and people on bikes considered marchers?
The harmony of the gathering contrasted to a flare-up within the local movement.

Earlier in the day, Jordan LeDoux, who works for the media, communications, public relations and web team of the protest, said that since 8 p.m. Tuesday, Occupy Portland has not been able to get into its own Internet page,

LeDoux said a member of the finance committee apparently took control of the website.
Posted by JammieWearingFool at 11:08 AM

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